Very bloated chicken help


10 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Southern Maryland
I have a chicken that I noticed had a very poopy rear end. She was also "squatty" and standoffish. I finally was able to catch her to clean it up and noticed that she is extremely bloated. I have her isolated from the rest of the flock right now. Ideas on what to do with her or what to look for?
I also noticed that she keeps shaking her head. She is eating and drinking normally as far as I can tell. She is about 3 years old I think.
I am at a loss, I have seen water belly on chickens before. I wonder if a nice warm bum soak in epsom salts might help. Just a thought, maybe she is constipated. Sometimes a blocked object in the intestine will cause the loose stools to squirt out around it. maybe an enema?
After further exam it seems she is very underweight. I feel bad because this hen I can never catch, she always stays atleast 10 feet away from me and has always been at the lower end of the pecking order. She does eat and drink though. The only reason I was able to catch her today is they swarmed me when I brought watermelon. I lost a yearling pullet about a month ago, but she had perfect body composition. Could it be worms maybe?
.2 ml for my smaller banty chicken (2 to 3 pounds-ish).
.4 ml for my 4 to 5 pounds-ish hens.
.6 ml for my larger girls -- about 6 to 7 pounds-ish.

Panacur liq
Assuming there is an egg withdrawal period? One time treatment or over a period of days? Luckily she is only one of two blue egg layers I have so it would be easy to just toss the blue eggs. I know I should probably treat the flock, but I don't want to do that until their egg laying slows down for the year if eggs are inedible.

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