Very good fliers!!!


5 Years
Mar 7, 2015
Hi there everyone,

I am very new to owning chickens. As a matter of fact it's only been about 5 weeks now. The girls
(I hope) are coming along nice &healthy.Their new coop and run are only a short time away from being completed. This is a good thing! Cause my girls seem to be very accomplished fliers. Well, at least one of them is so far. This I found out in my kitchen while I was changing food and water yesterday and today. Sooooo my question is..... when is it OK to clip their wings? I am planning on allowing them some supervised free range time as well as their run, but not until I can ground them better. I am open to all suggestions, soooooo HEEELLLLPPPPP!

Thank you,
Yes clipping wings is recommended if they will get out of their enclosure. I am also new to chickens and found some getting over the fence. I read clipping 1 wing was the better alternative than both. no escapees since. I watched a video on YouTube of how to do it. Very easy to do. My tips very sharp scissors, do it at night they will be much easier to catch and much calmer. Good luck.
Thank you for responding and for the info =) .... I found "how to" on this site and on "utube" also. My main hesitation is that they are only 6 wks old at this time. Everything that I have read and seen so far keep referring to adult birds. How old were yours when you clipped them?


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