very injured duck in need of help

i havent seen any leakage in the bandage except a tiny bit once or twice about a week ago.

not sure how she did it cause her side of the pen is entirely covered (duck side isnt, but its just over 2ft high), but this morning i came out to see my penned chicken in with my duck. they were getting along fine (if a little cramped), no pecking or anything else and both seemed to want the company. chicken could have easily gotten out all together but stayed in with the duck rather then explore or try finding a way back outside.
i havent seen any leakage in the bandage except a tiny bit once or twice about a week ago.

not sure how she did it cause her side of the pen is entirely covered (duck side isnt, but its just over 2ft high), but this morning i came out to see my penned chicken in with my duck. they were getting along fine (if a little cramped), no pecking or anything else and both seemed to want the company. chicken could have easily gotten out all together but stayed in with the duck rather then explore or try finding a way back outside.
Well that's great seems they both liked the idea then.

Sounds good about leakage well just believe then it was her eating too fast, since she is doing okay other wise.

Now you know we need a pic of the 2 new friends.
well the chicken got put back on her side of the divider when i found them together. since they got along fine would it be safe to remove it and give both a bit more room? its just a matter of cutting a few zip ties and removing the panel to open it back up.
well the chicken got put back on her side of the divider when i found them together. since they got along fine would it be safe to remove it and give both a bit more room? its just a matter of cutting a few zip ties and removing the panel to open it back up.
Might be okay if your there to make sure neither picks on the other. Worth a try.
gave her a bath today and the scab over her crop gave way. a good sized chunk of compressed food fell out (about the size of the last segment of my thumb) and the majority of the scab there also came off (well sort of fell to shreds then fell off). the flesh underneath is a nice healthy pink but i dont know just what im looking at, it almost looks like the entire side of it split open or something. she was moving so much during her bath that i had trouble keeping an eye on it to see what was going on but i think i saw a whole gulp of water foam out of it but i cant be sure, did see at least a little foam from it.

she wouldnt hold still for a better photo, this is actually the clearest of the ones i could get.

in good news the bottom edge of the wound now appears to be nice pink skin (can actually see it in that photo). was covered by the cracked bit of scab a few days ago. she is also getting more active every day and is now acting like queen of the pen, shes taken to perching and sleeping on top of the nestbox thats in there for the hen (only of my birds to start laying so far).

here she is with the chicken, the brown duck is my second drake (possibly khaki campbell or similar going by coloring). he got brought in this afternoon for some extra care in the warm and dry (for some reason my duck girls outside are gaining weight but my boys are losing it a bit, this one the most so he's getting confined and stuffed til he no longer feels underweight, might end up bringing in fish as well if he doesnt start gaining on his own but the pen will be a bit crowded with 3 ducks and a chicken). if anyone is wondering what that pen is made of its the panels from the metal mesh storage cubes that you can assemble however you want, its held together with zip ties and has about 6-8" of packing tape along the bottom to keep bedding in.
This is going to be a long process, and it's territory I have not had to cover before. I agree about the healthy pink - let's hope things knit together properly.
This is going to be a long process, and it's territory I have not had to cover before.  I agree about the healthy pink - let's hope things knit together properly.

I agree. It's such a large wound I bet the scab will fall off a couple of times then come back smaller. Do you think that the slit will heal itself?? You have done such a good job with the healing. I would assume that eventually it should heal up, but it might need a little help.
I agree. It's such a large wound I bet the scab will fall off a couple of times then come back smaller. Do you think that the slit will heal itself?? You have done such a good job with the healing. I would assume that eventually it should heal up, but it might need a little help.

I agree. Either a stitch or some glue or new skin to hold t tgether...eapecialy if food and water Is coming out...if it heals over the area where te food and water is seeping it could seal over it and cause an infection ): you are very brave.
i wouldnt know about brave, more like just hoping for the best and expecting the worst. never had a scab come off so soon after forming, but then ive never seen this kind of scab form so quickly before either.

as for closing it up, i cant tell if thats the inside or outside of the crop that i was seeing and if its the inside i dont know where the edges are. even if i could see them unless someone can give me a method for knocking her out any attempt to glue or stitch it closed would either be a waste of time or end up causing more damage. she doesnt even hold still for her bandage change anymore, i have to take it off and put a new one on while she walks back and forth over half the counter with random bobbing and dodging.

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