Very sick baby chick


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
I posted earlier but maybe didn't give enough information. This little chick is clearly in distress. She isn't droopy. Her eyes are clear. But she holds her head to the side and can't stand up. I dip her beak in the electrolyte water but she isn't very interested. I still insist she drink something. I wish I knew whether to medicate her with antibiotics or if it is a parasite thing or what. There may be a little blood in her stool. I have her in a little box near the brooder light so she can still hear the other peepings going on. If anyone has any inkling please let me know.
Thank you,
Sorry to hear about your chick. Sounds like you are doing the right things. You know, hard as it is, sometimes they just don't make it. However, chicks are extremely adaptable and you may find in a few days, she is fine. I think all you can do is keep trying to get her to eat and drink and hope for the best. Good luck.
Now, I have another chick exhibiting the same symptoms. Can anybody help me figure out what it is? I don't know how to go about treating this. I'll see if I can describe what they are doing. They sort of lean back on their haunches and seem like they are dizzy and start to fall over. When it is as advanced as the first chick they can't stand up. I have mixed breeds in there. The first was a bantam Buff Orpington. This one is a Ameraucana. Please somebody give me some suggestions. There is a little bloody poo. I guess it's bloody. Doesn't really look like blood exactly but the stool is loose and has a reddish discoloration in it. Do you think it's a bacterial thing? Or possibly a parasite. I have raised my fair share of little chicks and never had such trouble. Ever. Freakin' out here in Arlington WA
When in doubt give vitamins! Often vitamin and/or mineral deficiency causes problems like you are describing. Your electrolyte water may have some in it but giving it directly to the chick may be better. Most on this forum recommend Poly Vi Sol (without iron) children's vitamins. A drop or two by mouth per day. Sometimes you need to add a Vitaimn E or B separately. Do a search and I bet you get good ideas. Wish I had the exact answer. Hoping for the best for your chicks

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