Very sick chick, Cecal Coccoides question {Updated w/ poo picture}.

I hope not either!

Usually cocci is very sensitive to the I'm shocked they didn't work this time.

I wonder if a mixture of the two, starter and grower wouldn't help? Is she the ONLY one that has this poo?
At the moment, yes, all the other chicks are just fine, although they are all going to get a dose of Sulmet. Even my idiot dog is getting treated as she likes to eat the chicken poop. BLAH!
EWY!!! EWEWEW! Then again...I'm one of those that if I see something wrong in the chicken pen I will run out there bare-footed...OH well...
I'd add powdered amprolium (Corrid) to the water to treat them.

To get chicks resistant to cocci, find a big ol' hen poop and drop it in the baby chicks water to drink.

Another thing I've tried with great results...mix powdered milk in with the starter crumbles after they turn 3 weeks old.

They don't sell medicated starter around here and I've never had cocci using these two methods.
Yes it is! That's why I'm not understanding why one would want to overdose them!

It needs to be used in correlation with another antibiotic. Too bad there's not another coccidiastat. I'm thinking the drug in the grower feed would be adequate as a combination. But I'd hate to screw up your feeding regime.

As for hen poo...

There are SEVERAL things that the hen could have picked up that the chicks are not prepared to take on. I would NOT do that method. That hen could be a carrier of Marek's, Cholera, all sorts of things!
Sorry to disagree Mikarod

FYI...The amount of ampro in the feed is for prevention, not to cure.

FYI....An antibiotic will not cure cocci.

FYI....A chick with early exposure to hen poop (germs), will lead a stronger, healthier life.
Sorry to disagree with you suebee.

1. Apparently the amount in the feed is not enough to prevent. It SHOULD keep the birds healthy, but giving MORE will not help at the moment. It could completely ruin the chicks digestive tract by giving more than the recommended dosage.

2. Antibiotics upset the natural flora in the gut and surrounding tissues. Why would it not help get rid of the cocci in the gut?

3. A hen, any old hen, could have all sorts of diseases that pass horizontally rather than vertically. Why give a chick the same disease that your hen could have? It makes absolutely NO sense to me.

However, if you're stating that coccidiostats are NOT indeed antibiotics, I retract my position. I am lumping coccidiostats with antibiotics, however if you'd like me to use the two terms separately I will do so.

Can you show me your proof that poo from a hen will cause the offspring to live a stronger and healthier life?
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Sulfamethazine sodium (sulmet), even though it is a antibiotic, will still kill coccoides. (hopefully quickly)

It is used to treat bacterial pneumonia, bacterial scours, E. coli infections, Diphtheria, streptococcus infections, cholera....

but it also works on Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix (causal agents of Coccidiosis)

I am not an expert mind you, I am just reading off the label of the bottle.
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