Very Sick Chick


Jan 3, 2020
We just got four baby chicks. We've had them 5 days, so I guess they are 7-8 days old. One of them is sick. The place where we bought them vaccinated them, though I didn't think to ask for what. We are feeding them medicated feed. Yesterday the sick chick stopped running as much as the others. It was lethargic and breathing heavy. Last night we fed it some chicken probiotics dissolved in water with some mashed up feed. It seemed to perk up and jumped out of the box we had her in to separate her from the other chicks. This morning she's lying down flat with her wings spread and is breathing really heavy. She seems really sick. I don't know what to do. Is there any use in calling a vet who will make house calls? Is it worth it to bring her to a vet? Thanks.
She may be showing signs of shipping stress. I would give her Poultry NutriDrench 2 drops orally and get her drinking water. If you don’t have that or electrolytes, give water with a little sugar or a few drops of molasses. Dip her beak for a second in the water and let her swallow.

Check her for dried poop on her vent, and remove. Chicks may display weakness up to a week or more after shipping. I hope that you can save her.

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