Very strange looking Rouen

Oh wow, that's really cool! I've been thinking about maybe adding one to my flock, but I might wait until I have more space. For now, I think I might stick with my WH + one Mallard flock.
Mine seem to be big tame and laid back. Essentially wanted a female for eggs but ended up keeping a male and two females :). Here is my young drake to be Sheldon. Can't wait for his big boy colors to come in
speaking of genetics--you'd be surprised what a recessive gene will do. a couple of years ago I had 6 crested( I call them puff heads) ducks--the mix parents being mallard, pekin, and a buff mix. was trying to breed them. lost all one winter to a predator.:( its amazing what you will come out with. its like Christmas when you have several breeds mixing it up. (needless to say I have a predator proof house now for chix and ducks.

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