Very Very bad prolasped vent- help!

What confuses me, though, is that she did not get a prolapse from laying so much as from getting a crusty butt. How the heck? I don't understand how she got so matted that a whole egg got stuck in a matt, which stopped another egg from coming out.

I do feel bad that in trying to relase the matt I may have made the prolapse worse.

Much as my cochins are sweet and pretty, I do kind've wonder if their featheryness may be a bit of a problem for them health-wise.

Plus, her eggs were very round. Semmed like they would be harder to pass than egg-shaped ones.
Dang it! I know what started them laying- it got cold!

I put a light bulb in their coop to keep them warm. Darn it!!!!!!!

They might had been fine through the cold without the heat anyway, and in my stupidity I started them laying when I was going to be out of town and unable to watch them.

I feel really dumb.
I am so sorry to hear about your is all too familiar of a story.

My 6-month-old Cochin had to be put down last week due to a severe prolapsed vent. She was fine on Saturday but on Sunday when I let her out of her coup there was a very large prolapse. I applied sugar and Preparation H to take down the swelling and gently pushed the prolapse back in but the pressure, that I am sure she was feeling, made her push it back out.

We fought back and forth, me pushing in...she pushing out, several times over the next day; I separated her from the rest of the flock. She was not getting any better and although I hated to do it I thought the most humane thing was to put her down. I do miss her but know she is no longer uncomfortable. Good luck with yours.

I really learn alot from this guys really know what your talking about.
I find a baseball bat is the fastest way to end my feathered friends little life.They feel no pain, and it is instant.:( I had one of my Original leghorns prolapsed vent. I saw it today and part of it was dried.No way she would survive long term. :hit

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