Vet said bumblefoot has spread to joint- anyone have (positive) experience of recovery? 🥺


Dec 3, 2020
My favourite chicken has had mild bumblefoot for quite a long time, but recently I noticed it had got worse and so today she has been at the vet. She had an anaesthetic and they cut open and flushed it out, but the vet said it has spread to her joint. Everything we and they have done will give her the best chance- flushed out, pain meds and antibiotics etc- but I wondered, does anyone have experience of a chicken recovering from bumblefoot spread to the joint? It had definitely got worse but from the images that I’ve seen online it really didn’t look as bad as some of the photos I’ve seen… attaching a photo of the swelling a few days ago. I don’t have a photo of the scab but I’m sure you can imagine- it was about the size of 2 small peas/half a small coin (5p in uk! 1 Cent in America maybe?!) please be gentle I am very sad and worried today. I hoping for positive stories of recovery x
Hello! I had a girl whose foot looked much, much worse than what you are describing. (I was out of town for a good long while and came back to it.) I didn't have a vet to go to, so I don't know if Molly's spread to her joint, but with time and effort, she is completely back go normal now. It's not over until its over!
The bottom of her foot looked like classic bumblefoot before she went to the vet, I don’t know what it looks like now as she has been kept in overnight and she is all bandaged. I also don’t know what antibiotics they have given her yet, I will be able to update tomorrow. Thanks for your message x

What does the bottom of the foot look like? What antibiotic did the vet prescribe? Hopefully, he can survive this.
Hello! I had a girl whose foot looked much, much worse than what you are describing. (I was out of town for a good long while and came back to it.) I didn't have a vet to go to, so I don't know if Molly's spread to her joint, but with time and effort, she is completely back go normal now. It's not over until its over!
This was just the kind of reassuring comment I was hoping for 🥹 i was kinda shocked when they told me because it didn’t look that bad- BUT she has had bumblefoot for about 2 years and we have been unable to shift it ourselves. So glad your chicken got better 🥰 thank you for the comment x
What does the bottom of the foot look like? What antibiotic did the vet prescribe? Hopefully, he can survive this.
The bottom of her foot looked like classic bumblefoot before she went to the vet, I don’t know what it looks like now as she has been kept in overnight and she is all bandaged. I also don’t know what antibiotics they have given her yet, I will be able to update tomorrow. Thanks for your message x
This was just the kind of reassuring comment I was hoping for 🥹 i was kinda shocked when they told me because it didn’t look that bad- BUT she has had bumblefoot for about 2 years and we have been unable to shift it ourselves. So glad your chicken got better 🥰 thank you for the comment x
Of course!! I'm so glad I could be of help! Hugs to you (I can't find the proper emoji), and good luck with your favorite girl!
I have a roo that had horrible bumblefoot. I did not have vet care, no one close by that sees chickens, so I treated completely by myself. After his first bout I was fairly certain he had osteomylitis, but cannot prove that. There was swelling, I lanced, and only found bone. I treated with a combination of clindamycin and SMZ/TMP for several months. He recovered and the bumblefoot finally cleared up. The antibiotics were to treat for possibly osteomylitis and the bumblefoot itself I cleared up with sugardine. I had more luck with sugardine than with any other treatments for the bumble itself. When he had a recurrence I started with sugardine straight off, and treatment went much more quickly. He hasn't had another recurrence to date. More on his foot, and sugardine, in this thread, post #8:
Every foot is different, but yes, there is a good chance you can beat it.

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