Vicious Hawk Attack


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Western NY
A nasty hawk killed my favorite 9 month old RIR, Klara, yesterday. My husband actually walked right up on the 'act'. The hawk had Klara on the ground, never even tried to fly off with her. Husband got to within about 3 or 4 feet of the nasty hawk, trying to scare it would not leave. It did finally fly up to a tree and then it just sat there...grrrr! He did scare it off finally......I am afraid it will come back for more. She was the alpha hen and my little buddy. I know we should not get attached, but its kinda hard not to when you raise the chickens from a day or so old! I went out this morning to bring tthe gals some warm oatmeal and then it hit me that "My Klara' is gone.
Well, thanks for letting me 'vent'! (Other ppl do not understand, well chicken-less ppl! lol,lol) ~Beulah
A nasty hawk killed my favorite 9 month old RIR, Klara, yesterday. My husband actually walked right up on the 'act'. The hawk had Klara on the ground, never even tried to fly off with her. Husband got to within about 3 or 4 feet of the nasty hawk, trying to scare it would not leave. It did finally fly up to a tree and then it just sat there...grrrr! He did scare it off finally......I am afraid it will come back for more. She was the alpha hen and my little buddy. I know we should not get attached, but its kinda hard not to when you raise the chickens from a day or so old! I went out this morning to bring tthe gals some warm oatmeal and then it hit me that "My Klara' is gone.
Well, thanks for letting me 'vent'! (Other ppl do not understand, well chicken-less ppl! lol,lol) ~Beulah

Aww, I'm so sorry you lost your Klara. Yes, darn those hawks. My sister has a friend who saw her little dog taken away by a hawk. Picked it right off the ground and flew away with it never to be seen again.
I say there, I say, don't y'all remember that mint julep sipping Southern gentleman Foghorn P. Leghorn from the Saturday cartoons?
His nemeses was a determined little chicken hawk named Henery.
I guess chicken hawk control just rubbed off on us Southerners, that's all y'all.
I would want to pounce on a hawk if was eating my chicken. Figured they would fly away before you could get close. Sorry for the lose. Sad thing about that little dog.Wee little dogs are so darn cute.

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