Video of emus playing

Mary thats a cute video ! How do you sex those little guys?? The girls wear lipstick??

I am getting curious dispite myself, I have only been around one mature one, a male, he was quite amenable, a little pushy for treats but otherwise pretty good, he would follow you around in his pen out of curiosity, liked to have his neck scratched, how are the females?

Thanks for sharing the video.

Topic change, any books around/dictionarys on Icelandic names? I havent googled it but thinking of it.
I have a neighbor, a very old man, that tried to pawn off some his exotic animals on me. NOOOOOOOO WAY! He has rheas, emus, peafowl, turkeys, and all kinds of stuff! NO THANKS! They look to me like they eat a whole lot more than chickens do.

A lot less than goats buy a bit more than chickens My adults gat about a pound of feed a day. they eat a bit sleep a bit then eat some more.

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