vines for shading your chicken run

Morning Glories do come back but I think the seeds are poisonous. I think if you put something that goes from one side to the other will take your fence down.

I have a Wisteria vine that's not in the chicken run and it took down a study wooden trellis so my husband put one up of steel and it took it down too. It gets very heavy.
You could make an arbor and bring the grapevines on top of it for shade. Also I have an old type white single rose that is great on mine. I just have to remember to cut the roses from the inside to keep them from taking over the whole area about once a year. The hens will jump to eat the rose leaves but they are fine for them. I do not use poison on them. I have planted some more of different colors on the sides to spread over the fenced top also. When they bloom they are beautiful. When they are not they are a green cover over the run. The hens like the dappled shade. Make sure that your top is secure with 2x4s all these top covers can get very heavy later on, esp if they get a snow load on top of them in winter.. Gloria Jean
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thank you for the tips on the weight of some of these plants.
the run is constructed of heavy duty chainlink panels. each panel is 6' x 12'. i also used these same panels to enclose the run on top.
i would have imagined that these panel would have supported most vines......maybe i'm wrong.
Good heavens! They forgot grass
I can wholeheartedly recommend grape vines. I built the run over three existing vines. They grow out through the top in late February here and provide shade and leafy forage for the chickens into mid-November. The 1"X 2" welded wire that I have hooped over the 4' width for the cover of my run easily supports the weight of the vines.

I don't think we could do grape vines around here as the local raccoon population love spending their evenings in them. I want to keep them as far away from my birds as possible!

I'd try raspberry bushes as they fill in quite well, like to be pegged up to things, and the thorns offer predator protection for your birds. Although not a vine, can be used in the same way.


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