
Hi there guys. I really need some help. I've had my girls and a drake for 3 years. I've raised them out of an egg. I told them I was never going to leave them. But life happens and now I have to rent an apartment... They're so sweet and all have different personalities that I could write a novel about each. They're Indian runners and great layers. Two of them are "special" but they can both be outside on their own without actual help. The drake, Arnold, is blind. He's the only one we purchased and we didn't realize until we got home that he couldn't see. The other is the two year old, Sugar. She has weird spasms. Out of nowhere, she'll drop to the ground and violently scratch at her face. It's very odd. She had to be helped out of the egg so it may be neurological. But they really need homes and pretty quickly. I'll drive them to you for no cost and give you whatever I have in exchange for a good life and an update every once in a while. They really need someone... Please help!
Thank you
I just got back froma week at egg decorating camp and have my Mojo back. and while there I developed an addiction for goose eggs. SO much more room to design on and stronger than chicken eggs.

good news is: I have some geese.
Bad news is, they probably won't start laying for a while because they are too young currently.

so if anyone local has goose eggs...I am interested in purchasing them!
Congrats to all the new chick mommas and papas! I have a couple of pairs of OEGB and am just learning the broody factor of them. Mine aren't laying yet but there are plenty of eggs to donate for the ladies later;-)
thought you were leaving
Any chicken breeders in or near Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta County?

yes there are (not me) but why are you asking? looking for something specific? wanting to thin down on a particular breed? ;) I'm always willing to drive a bit for the right birds.
K, I do not have chickens yet...but I'm hoping in about a week to have the coop finished. I have actually found someone locally who has Dominiques and I am getting 5 or 6 of them. But I am interested in seeing other breeds, too. Sorry I don't have any chicks to offer.

Now I need to check out cubalayas and asil. ;)

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