
So sorry for your loss. What happened? We raise blue and olive-laying americanas. u are interested. We're in Bedford.Just sold my last 6 chicks yesterday but might be able to set you up with a pullet or two. Pm me if yo
I live near Richmond and was wondering if anyone is selling silkies. I want to buy two hens: one can either be white or paint and I dont care about the other, although buff or partridge seem interesting. I have never had silkies before but they seem very sweet from what I have heard. If anyone has any to sell, please let me know. Thanks!
My idea of a perfect day! Happy 4th everyone!

ok well tonight ended up with a bit of fireworks... well, one rifle shot at least.

I've got one hen in the brooder, several chicks missing, one semi-bloody dog and a dead raccoon... oh and 2 locust trees that fell on one of the coops yesterday. so the missing chicks may have happened last night. the hen was tonight tho, as I heard her screaming, the dog peeled out. I grabbed the flashlight and hubby the .22 rifle. didn't find the coon at first, looked around and found one hen 'hiding' on the tractor tire dust bath (tire used to be a strawberry garden... yeah right) the other was in some thick weeds, and the dog found her for me. she's got a couple small punctures on her side and leg and is having problems breathing easily, so she may be more damaged than time can fix... but we'll see. not much I can really do other than keep her warm calm and fed and watered.

about 15 minutes later, I hear the dog bark once. ok back out with flashlight and rifle. (and hubby - my hands shake too bad to get a steady shot). up in the tree we see glowing eyeballs. he shot it, but it wasn't the head shot he'd hoped for. it fell out of the tree, the dog got hold of it several times and shook it hard but it managed to get away again. across the property line and into some thick trees... not following it up there, so hopefully it'll die quickly. from the blood on the dog, it will. he got one small bite wound on his upper lip. the rest of the blood (on a white dog no less) isn't his.

so now into the bath he goes, so that I can sleep without getting coon blood on my bed. ick. why is it always after midnight when he gets his baths? usually raccoon or possum blood, or lots and lots of mud. like last night. (after cleaning up after the 'cat vs hairball' fiasco). this dog has more baths than some people! maybe i'll get a real night's sleep someday. hm.. poultry swap Saturday, nope... maybe sunday? maybe I can talk hubby into margarita night Saturday night. THEN I can sleep. maybe. if the dog doesn't go wandering in the rain/mud/muck or find another predator to prey upon...
Oh, gosh. well at least you got the friggin thing. we have something preying on our chickens mid afternoon...I think maybe a fox? 2 days ago Mongo lost the feathers on his back and one of his girls has a couple of puncture wounds and the other one is gone. and whatever it is is still out there!!! we have lost over a half-dozen chickens in the past month with no idea what to do about it.

Sorry about the no sleep thing. I love sleep. I hope your girl pulls through.

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