
well, some hopeful news... don't remember where I posted about it, but my foley girl BLRW was snatched by a coon the night of the 4th... apparently she was slow going to bed. it grabbed her by the head and dragged her away, but the dog got there pretty quick and stood guard over her till I got out there... she's got bite marks on both sides of her head and I think her neck may have been damaged too from her struggling.

anyways, she was still breathing and when you harassed her she'd shuffle her feet, but wasn't moving her head or neck at all. hubby said her pupils were reactive to light though, so we left her in the hospital cage with food and water. she hadn't eaten or drunk anything and didn't move hardly at all. even when you put her beak in the water she made no attempt to drink...

as of yesterday I saw no improvement and had decided I was going to put her down last night. but in checking her over, I noticed a clump of poop on some vent feathers and decided to at least pull that off, since I wasn't ready to 'do the deed'... it was dried to the feathers, so i had to remove a couple of them. well that woke her up! her head came up and she looked at me, but quickly went back to sleep. so I bothered her some more, (she hates her wings touched). and while she was awake I put her face in the water and got her to drink some. hubby said she was more alert this morning but still not moving around much, but instead of laying on her side she was a bit more upright.

so she gets a reprieve for now... we keep waking her up to make her drink at least. can't seem to get her to eat, but if she keeps drinking at least she won't dehydrate and maybe it'll give her time to heal. best we can figure is she's got a severe concussion. possible brain damage too but that remains to be seen. so for now we are keeping fingers crossed that she continues to improve.

I'm leaving the door to the hospital cage open, so if she's feeling froggy she can hop out any time. but I don't think she's anywhere near ready for that.
The Tractor Supply in Wytheville is on the last Saturday of the month. I might be there for Aug. 31 with Black Australorps. If anyone that lives near me and want's to buy chicks they are $3.50 each right now. They were hatched July 15th.

I'm off I 81 Exit 60.
Karen, So sorry for your girl. Know you have pulled a lot of birds thru before but if you're looking for anything else to try I've saved a few of my birds that were injured and totally down by feeding them honey water from a dropper. I give them about 2cc every half hour and if its going to help they usually start to perk up slightly by the 3rd or 4th time. Then I add just a bit of plain yogurt and then a little soaked Flock Raiser, but it always stays watery enough to give with a dropper. After they start eating and drinking on their own I continue adding honey and antibiotic to the water for 4 or 5 days. Hope she pulls thru for you. Last spring one of my 3 month pullets got pecked by one of her siblings and by the time I got dressed and out there they all had scalped her down to the bare skull . The entire top of her head was gone! "Hattie" took about 2 weeks to even be able to stand up but five months later she is healed and starting to lay. She even has feathers up there but they're weird shapes so she always looks like she's wearing a hat. I know that if good care can pull your girl thru she couldn't be in a better home. Good luck!
Karen, So sorry for your girl. Know you have pulled a lot of birds thru before but if you're looking for anything else to try I've saved a few of my birds that were injured and totally down by feeding them honey water from a dropper. I give them about 2cc every half hour and if its going to help they usually start to perk up slightly by the 3rd or 4th time. Then I add just a bit of plain yogurt and then a little soaked Flock Raiser, but it always stays watery enough to give with a dropper. After they start eating and drinking on their own I continue adding honey and antibiotic to the water for 4 or 5 days. Hope she pulls thru for you. Last spring one of my 3 month pullets got pecked by one of her siblings and by the time I got dressed and out there they all had scalped her down to the bare skull . The entire top of her head was gone! "Hattie" took about 2 weeks to even be able to stand up but five months later she is healed and starting to lay. She even has feathers up there but they're weird shapes so she always looks like she's wearing a hat. I know that if good care can pull your girl thru she couldn't be in a better home. Good luck!
thanks for the vote of confidence... unfortunately i'm starting to worry more... she's 'drooling' now. and the last time she had some water she left a drop of blood in the water. she's not bleeding outside, and i'm not seeing anything in the bedding either, so it's got me stumped. someone else had suggested Gatorade or electrolytes, but i'm just using sugar water (I like honey idea too), since that's what I've got on hand.

i'm still doctoring my red dorking roo too, who is not walking at all right now. he's got bumblefoot on one foot, I've opened it, pulled out all the gunk I can repeatedly, injecting him with penicillin and still he won't stand up. even on his 'good' foot. he has no muscle mass left at all even though he's eating everything in sight. makes it a pain to find some place to put the penn... it's been over a week now, think i'm going to switch to another antibiotic, since this doesn't seem to be helping. he's such a nice boy, i'd hate to have to put him down but i'm about at my wits' end... but he seems to be just happy sitting on the floor. he flaps and hops somewhat on one foot to get from point a to point b, but even the 'good' foot, all he does is tripod his toes on the floor. he won't put it flat.

so between the two, I feel like i'm just running a chicken hospital.
That is not fun at all. having chicken children is tough, my husband and I are just realizing how attached you can get to some silly chickens..
I hope that they can improve.

thanks for the vote of confidence... unfortunately i'm starting to worry more... she's 'drooling' now. and the last time she had some water she left a drop of blood in the water. she's not bleeding outside, and i'm not seeing anything in the bedding either, so it's got me stumped. someone else had suggested Gatorade or electrolytes, but i'm just using sugar water (I like honey idea too), since that's what I've got on hand.

i'm still doctoring my red dorking roo too, who is not walking at all right now. he's got bumblefoot on one foot, I've opened it, pulled out all the gunk I can repeatedly, injecting him with penicillin and still he won't stand up. even on his 'good' foot. he has no muscle mass left at all even though he's eating everything in sight. makes it a pain to find some place to put the penn... it's been over a week now, think i'm going to switch to another antibiotic, since this doesn't seem to be helping. he's such a nice boy, i'd hate to have to put him down but i'm about at my wits' end... but he seems to be just happy sitting on the floor. he flaps and hops somewhat on one foot to get from point a to point b, but even the 'good' foot, all he does is tripod his toes on the floor. he won't put it flat.

so between the two, I feel like i'm just running a chicken hospital.
I know how you feel, Karen. My american buff gosling which was born with no eyes has begun to show a lot of neurological signs in the past 3 weeks. I hand raised it with a chicken buddy because its parents tried - and still try - to kill it. They'll hang out around its tractor coop which gets moved daily and visit and sleep there a lot but will not tolerate this bird out of its pen. Had planned to permanently house it with a young group of orphingtons but it has begun slamming itself into the wire sides of the coop and if I give it more room I'm pretty sure that it will get up enough speed to break its neck. Doesnt seem to matter whether we or the other geese are nearby. It just starts screaming and runs into everything and falls and has actually knocked itself out twice now. I had planned to love and keep Stevie for its lifetime but I think that the quality of life is rapidly deteriorating.
Its so hard sometimes to put good stewardship first. I have an outwardly healthy bird who seems to have no pleasure in its life anymore and is miserable. You have a damaged bird who is fighting against some very stiff odds but not ready to give up. Where is that magic wand when we need it most?
Wow. Didn't mean to go off on a tangent. Guess you can tell that I'm not at peace with what I know needs to be done yet. I'm praying for the wisdom and strength to do whats best for Stevie at the right time. Now I remember what I started this to tell you. Sugar works ok but the body can absorb honey without having to convert the sugars to a more digestable form first. If you're wrapping the bumblefoot try packing the debrided area with honey. Bacteria can't grow in it and that form of sugar feeds new tissue as it forms.
If you're not wrapping it I've had really good luck packing it with icthammol ointment. If I'm using antibiotics I usually start with oral SMZ-TMP960. What do you use first? I also wonder if raw molasses would do the same thing as honey for force feeding? Has anyone tried it? Thanks to all for letting me vent and being so supportive of us newbies.

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