
My rooster attacked one of my girls yesterday evening and today I noticed they have pecked her and tore her ear. She was bleeding so I separated her from the rest.

Time to cook him up...he is way to aggressive.

Sorry about y'all's.....:(
I know how you feel, Karen. My american buff gosling which was born with no eyes has begun to show a lot of neurological signs in the past 3 weeks. I hand raised it with a chicken buddy because its parents tried - and still try - to kill it. They'll hang out around its tractor coop which gets moved daily and visit and sleep there a lot but will not tolerate this bird out of its pen. Had planned to permanently house it with a young group of orphingtons but it has begun slamming itself into the wire sides of the coop and if I give it more room I'm pretty sure that it will get up enough speed to break its neck. Doesnt seem to matter whether we or the other geese are nearby. It just starts screaming and runs into everything and falls and has actually knocked itself out twice now. I had planned to love and keep Stevie for its lifetime but I think that the quality of life is rapidly deteriorating. Its so hard sometimes to put good stewardship first. I have an outwardly healthy bird who seems to have no pleasure in its life anymore and is miserable. You have a damaged bird who is fighting against some very stiff odds but not ready to give up. Where is that magic wand when we need it most? Wow. Didn't mean to go off on a tangent. Guess you can tell that I'm not at peace with what I know needs to be done yet. I'm praying for the wisdom and strength to do whats best for Stevie at the right time. Now I remember what I started this to tell you. Sugar works ok but the body can absorb honey without having to convert the sugars to a more digestable form first. If you're wrapping the bumblefoot try packing the debrided area with honey. Bacteria can't grow in it and that form of sugar feeds new tissue as it forms. If you're not wrapping it I've had really good luck packing it with icthammol ointment. If I'm using antibiotics I usually start with oral SMZ-TMP960. What do you use first? I also wonder if raw molasses would do the same thing as honey for force feeding? Has anyone tried it? Thanks to all for letting me vent and being so supportive of u s newbies.
Raw molasses is no where near to honey. My guess is it might be harder than white cane sugar to digest BUT it does contain some vitamins and nutrients. Honey is just so much better than cane sugars, but adding a little molasses to honey might not hurt
thanks for the vote of confidence... unfortunately i'm starting to worry more... she's 'drooling' now. and the last time she had some water she left a drop of blood in the water. she's not bleeding outside, and i'm not seeing anything in the bedding either, so it's got me stumped. someone else had suggested Gatorade or electrolytes, but i'm just using sugar water (I like honey idea too), since that's what I've got on hand.

i'm still doctoring my red dorking roo too, who is not walking at all right now. he's got bumblefoot on one foot, I've opened it, pulled out all the gunk I can repeatedly, injecting him with penicillin and still he won't stand up. even on his 'good' foot. he has no muscle mass left at all even though he's eating everything in sight. makes it a pain to find some place to put the penn... it's been over a week now, think i'm going to switch to another antibiotic, since this doesn't seem to be helping. he's such a nice boy, i'd hate to have to put him down but i'm about at my wits' end... but he seems to be just happy sitting on the floor. he flaps and hops somewhat on one foot to get from point a to point b, but even the 'good' foot, all he does is tripod his toes on the floor. he won't put it flat.

so between the two, I feel like i'm just running a chicken hospital.
I am sorry to hear about your BLRW girl. I hate when birds are injured or sick. In regards to your bumble foot Dorking, are you wrapping it?? I just had a bad bumble foot on one of my Coronation Sussex roosters, what I found really helps was taking gauze, cutting it small enough to make like a plug and then soaking it with and antibiotic to make a pack then using some vetwrap to keep the plug in and the foot clean.
Quote: yup been there done that... soaked daily with Epsom salts (he enjoys that part), cleaned, packed, wrapped, and even shot with penicillin daily for the last week. whatever he's got going seems to be resistant to everything I've tried... i'm going to try wrapping with a betadyne/sugar scrub mixture and see if that doesn't draw out the infection.

still working on the blrw girl too... she's developing some sort of respiratory issues now so i'm trying an 'unconventional' treatment involving dmso and tetracycline, since she's not drinking enough and I don't want to move her any more than necessary to administer medications.
Anybody selling pet quality silkies? I am looking for a buff rooster, a calico rooster, a splash/blue hen, and a paint hen. Let me know if you or anyone you know sells them. Thanks. (Doesn't need to be show quality)
There was two buff silkie roos at the chesapeake swap. Not sure if he still has them but he did have a lot. My breeder also has silkies hatching soon in Hampton. I have some as well but I lost a white silkie rooster, an americauna chick and my favorite buff orp roo this past week to a possum. I got that bad boy two days ago and he met swift justice from my steel bat.
an update on the 'chickie hospital'... my Foley blrw girl lost her battle after being attacked by a coon. on closer inspection, i'm surprised she lived this long. the bones in her skull were definitely crushed and when I felt around, they moved easily. (ick). so I really don't think she would have recovered. the brain damage was enough that she kept breathing but I don't think there was much else going on.

and my roo with bumblefoot... several days ago he let me know that he was not comfortable sleeping in an uncovered cage, by putting himself to bed in an empty feed bin I had on the floor... so now that's his 'bed.

we're still fighting the infection in his foot, and think he damaged the other foot gimping around before I realized what was going on. he puts more weight on the 'bad' foot than he does on the good, and mobility is limited to flapping back and forth along the floor in the evenings. and yeah his comb's a mess...
this is my previously very proud rooster (red dorking).
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Sorry for the loss, Karen. You really did everything that you could. Peace.
do me a favor and don't eat the "pseudo sfh"... i'll trade him/her at Gilmanor for the SFH you were supposed to get. I've got several I think are pure (but not 100% positive) had one hatch last night (if you're up for a road trip) and leigh said she had some more eggs for me to pick up next Saturday, so they'll be a couple weeks old at Gilmanor (not planning on selling all of them, but i'll have a couple for you at least).

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