
Picture me slinking around a corner....all chickens were fine this morning except one. The lone silkie hatchling that is now 6 weeks old and no bigger than your hand. I had put him in with 3 mille fleur bearded duccles that are 12 weeks old- all put into the newly finished cage/coop in the feed shed so that they are more protected. Dang nut (and I say this in a sweet nice way because he ended up being a $40 bird when no one else hatched) is the stupidest (if that's a word) chicken I have ever owned! He has no sense of balance and I had to curl his toes around the roost a few nights ago before he stayed put. This morning he was making the most awful noise and the millies were looking like they didn't know what was going on with him. His feet were frozen solid!!! Carefully brought the squirt in the house and slowly warmed his feet with body heat and a cloth. He is so loving and as much as dh may not like it Con may be in the house until it warms up. I know his feet must be throbbing and feeling funny, he isn't back up on them yet. I hope there's no permanent damage- no ice was on them or anything. He just seems to have no chicken sense!
Switch roosts from round to flat. That's what I did. That way, they SIT on their feet, and toes aren't exposed to the cold. I use 2x6's, but most people just use 2x4's.
For the most part, my chickens made it through OK. Two of my cream legbar roosters are having some difficulty. Since they have huge combs, they are more susceptible to intense cold. One appears to have a touch of darkening on some of his comb points.. The other cause me more concern. His comb has some darkening tips but it is his wattles that are of concern. His wattles are very swollen and thick with some less than red areas. Both of these guys were moved into the main coop which is more sheltered. Anyone see thickening of wattles before?
There is access to both round and flat but Con the silkie chick hasn't been all that bright from day 1:) I feel so bad for him right now because one foot is now oozing. I know he is in pain and I've done everything I can. I've read plenty of stories on chickens recovering just fine or with no feet even and won't just kill him off. Weird thing is that it isn't frostbite I don't think, they just froze. No ice, water or anything else on them. Haplessrunner- I've seen pics and stuff on byc of wattles swelling as they thaw out. Check in the emergencies section.
Mine made it through alright, thanks to a well built old shed and to some tips and tactics on here. My one big roo has some damage to his comp. I was going to try to prevent that but he is a bit skittish of me (We've had our "go arounds" in the past) and won't let me pick him up. But he seems alright, and is keeping his gals in the warm coop.
the feet are swelled a bit and oozing/bloody from the cells rupturing. Triple antibiotic salve has been applied and he is now wobbly but up.
Here are some pics of the chicks out free ranging for a while today. (13 weeks).



They were only out for about 20 minutes, because the dog and I have to be around to supervise (fox problem.) And that was about as long as I could take.
well, -3 here this morning when I got up. everyone was just fine with one exception... I lost one cockerel who decided to sleep under the feeder instead of in with his hatch mates. I missed seeing him last night when I did bed check and he was solid this morning. hate to say it but he won't be missed... his future consisted of either freezer or swap. and for a bantam the freezer is just fine without him.
Hello! I'm new to chickens but my parents have had them for years. I just got some Seramas and have them in a quite large indoor coop. I'd love to meet some other people in the area to network! I live in Loudoun Co, VA!

Also... Anyone out there have Seramas? Two of my three ended up being Roos and I have already rehomed one. The other one is quite tiny and I'm hoping he doesn't develop a loud crow. Unfortunately if he does I will have to find him a home since my neighbors would not be too happy..... I'm okay at the moment but if it becomes a problem he'd be free to a good home or I'd love to trade for a hen. My current girl goes nuts when left alone.... He is super sweet and loves to cuddle on your shoulder.



I also live in western Loudoun county. I have a small flock with one rooster. So I am not interested in swapping a hen. Let me know if you want to visit and see the coop. Perhaps when the weather gets nicer.

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