
We really need the rain... send it towards Louisa!
Yes please send some here. We have had 1.2" since May 16th - it about as dry here as I can remember. All storms from 3 directions have been on all sides of us but not a drop here.
When the T storm line gets here it just parts and rains on both sides LOL
Really? I in west-ish central VA and it's been so wet here we are growing mushrooms.
So strange that there is such a difference in such a small area.
I just looked up what our rainfall was for this year and we were several inches above normal for the last couple of months here.
I also found it interesting that our average yearly rainfall is 6 inches more per year than Seattle. no wonder it is always so humid!
Really? I in west-ish central VA and it's been so wet here we are growing mushrooms.
So strange that there is such a difference in such a small area.
Yes - 25 miles East ,West , South and North getting rain. Major lines of T-storms have come our direction but the blank spaces in the line go over us LOL
I told wife its because she had a pond dug last month LOL
I live in virgina too
and Virginia thread - what part of Virginia you in.

We thought about Bees but would have to keep the Bruins out of the hives - They destroyed our corn last year.

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