
Oh man thats crummy. Sorry MM. I am blessed with very vigilant dogs so if something enters our yard they are pretty vocal&protective. Labs are super cool like that(if they arent the fat&lazy-spoiled sorts lol,nothing against any lab just some owners are too generous with the food bowl&scraps. Akc referrance). I had a friend in the county over whos little girl was SO brave, a hawk actually swooped down to snatch a chick up&she interviened! I was so amazed at this tiny little kid taking a hawk on!
pretty crazy. What breed have you had good experience with?

Easter eggers have done well here. Also welsummers. My wellie hens are friendly and just flighty enough to do well ranging. They also blend in well. Noisy gals, but the first to alert if there are problems. They are also fierce mothers.
Scared to ask,but did something happen that made you think they where so fierce? If its sad to talk about dont,just wanted you to know i'd love to hear if you want to share.
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Scared to ask,but did something happen that made you think they where so fierce? If its sad to talk about dont,just wanted you to know i'd love to hear if you want to share.

No, nothing happened. I have broody hens of all temperaments. They are just animals doing what is natural to them. For example, my EE hen is very gentle and kind, even to a fault. I can put her in with any age chick and she will get along just fine. When she is broody, she is just as nice to everyone-- she does not protect the babies as she should. My cochin hen is better. She will let me see her nest but will not allow the flock to get close. The welsummer hens will not stand to be bothered when they are sitting, by me or one of their flock mates. They will take a finger off, or try to at least. I actually prefer this, it is natural and they should fight to protect their babies.

In all of this, my mixed flock is very balanced. We have no drama, no "mean" hens, just everyone playing their part.

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