
I will be there, are you bringing chickens??? You know what, did you have EE's, cochins, dominiques & turkeys at the last swap???
Yes I had them all
that was me
I will be bringing some chickens as of right now I think only will have boys to sell this time will also have SR pearl guineas, ducks, a turkey pair, a goose and not sure what else
I bought 4 from you! My cochin I got from you was the one that was eaten yesterday :( But I got 2 dominiques and 2 cochins. I just LOVE them! I'll def. see you saturday! The little lady in my avatar was from you too... she's the most laid back little chicken!
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Hello....I posted another thread about a possible EE rooster in my small flock of 6 here:

The general consensus, so far, is that this is a boy. Unfortunately, that means I'm going to have to rehome this chicken as soon as, or before, the crowing starts.

Would anyone near the Leesburg area be interested in an EE rooster? Until I can be absolutely sure, I don't think my wife will be ready to give 'him' up, so I'm just trying to find if there are any takers out there, and keep my options opened.

All of the birds have been wonderful, so far, so it will be a shame to let one go, but I have no choice (local ordinance).

With all of the traffic on this thread, if anyone is interested, please feel free to send me a direct message (a PM).
I hope you can find a home for him! Is there a swap you can go sell him at? You talk about your ordinance, so you can't have a roo - how many hens can you have? is there a space limit on how big a coop etc? I hate that people have to have laws like that :(
I hope you can find a home for him! Is there a swap you can go sell him at? You talk about your ordinance, so you can't have a roo - how many hens can you have? is there a space limit on how big a coop etc? I hate that people have to have laws like that :(

ki4got posted some pics of her hens, one of which looks very similar to mine....makes me feel like i might still have a hen!

i don't know the limit on number of chickens i can have. i know i can't have a rooster, and i'm not allowed to slaughter them on premises (that rule is a bit vague about raising for slaughter, but i'm a vegetarian, so no plans to cook them, anyway).

living in a neighborhood, i can understand the rules. a rooster would wake all my neighbors up, and too many chickens can be unsanitary. not to mention, if i were raising them for meat, to be slaughtering in my backyard, if not done properly/sanitary, could lead to issues for my neighbors, too.
whew, that's why i don't do neighborhoods - haha! well hopefully you have a hen, that would be great for you! can you post a picture of "it" to see if any of us can tell???
ki4got posted some pics of her hens, one of which looks very similar to mine....makes me feel like i might still have a hen!

i don't know the limit on number of chickens i can have. i know i can't have a rooster, and i'm not allowed to slaughter them on premises (that rule is a bit vague about raising for slaughter, but i'm a vegetarian, so no plans to cook them, anyway).

living in a neighborhood, i can understand the rules. a rooster would wake all my neighbors up, and too many chickens can be unsanitary. not to mention, if i were raising them for meat, to be slaughtering in my backyard, if not done properly/sanitary, could lead to issues for my neighbors, too.
like i said on the other post... if it WERE a roo, by almost 16 weeks (same as yours) a rooster would ALREADY be crowing... you'd see visual signs in the feathering (longer, more pointed saddle/hackle feathers), AND the comb/wattles would be WAY more developed than that little one's got IMO... and your girls will be developing their own combs in preparation for laying.
ki4got posted some pics of her hens, one of which looks very similar to mine....makes me feel like i might still have a hen!

i don't know the limit on number of chickens i can have.  i know i can't have a rooster, and i'm not allowed to slaughter them on premises (that rule is a bit vague about raising for slaughter, but i'm a vegetarian, so no plans to cook them, anyway).

living in a neighborhood, i can understand the rules.  a rooster would wake all my neighbors up, and too many chickens can be unsanitary.  not to mention, if i were raising them for meat, to be slaughtering in my backyard, if not done properly/sanitary, could lead to issues for my neighbors, too.

Hey one sure way to test his roo ability is to catch him up and put him in a box or carrier. If he's a roo you will hear him crow. If he's a pullet he will just sqwak. Seems every time I've rehomed a cockerel that never crowed, the second they went into the carrier they began crowing. Lol.

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