Vitamins in the water


10 Years
Nov 23, 2009
Anyone add vitamins in there water. I have been adding Vitamin with electolites for the last 3 weeks. I got to say I think it really helps and they seem to like the taste. The price you pay for a package with the amount that it mixes with.. to me its a great bang for the buck. Maybe I am imagining it but the birds feathers look shinny and the birds just look healthier to me.. Joey
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Don't know what is in the vitamin mix but some vitamins can get to toxic levels (usually fat soluble ones) or can upset the balance of other vitamins 's actions. Either way its possible some can become detrimental depending on what vitamins are being given in what dose (counting what's in the feed too) as well as how much of each is being assimilated (bio available) in the birds if not needed long term. Perhaps someone familiar with what vitamins you are giving can answer you more directly.
I started a few weeks ago after a dog attacked the Chuckers and just kept on giving it to them. The product is Ideal Vi-Tal. I better look into it better before i keep giving it to them.. thanks
Are you talking about the water soluble Vitamin Electrolyte mix like AgriLabs, Animal Science Product or are you using a top dress that you put on top of there feed?

If it is the water soluble, I have used it and like it. I use it on the younger birds when they are in stress (heat, changing of pens etc) now for show birds and breeder I use it all the time.
I get a better hatch rate when the breeders are on it...

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Chris, Yes the Vi-Tal water soluble vitamin powder you mix in there water. I have been adding 1 teaspoon for 5 gallons which is 1/2 teaspoon less then recomended. For the one bird with wry neck I got I been adding a pinch more to her water. Anyway my first thoughts after three weeks were the birds look shinnyer and just all look better but before I continue adding it to there water I will make some calls tomarrow. Sounds like some people are saying a good supply of vitamins are bad for the birds? I am new to birds so that maybe so, I dont know. Joey
Additional Vitamins are good for short term or if the individual bird has trouble assimilating a specific vitamin (happens in people too!) or if they are stressed then its very good for them. Some birds that show deficiencies (twisted neck, etc.) may be in that group and need to get more for a while, at least until signs of disease are gone and a better diet has been introduced. If you want to use long term then just check out each type of vitamin in the mix to see if long term use is recommended. Typically fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A can get to toxic levels but others will just be "flushed" out in the droppings. Hope this is less confusing.
I made a few calls. Adding vitamins to the water all the time is highly recommended to promote good health. There designed to entice the birds to drink more water and you should see better production, is what I was told. I am sure there are different types so do your homework but the one I have started to use are to be used for both stressed times and full time use. Again do your homework before you start to use any but I am convinced beyond a doubt these are good for my birds. I am mixing 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons, that is a little less then suggested. I feel my birds look much better and there feathers are brighter and are shinier.

Not tring to compare one pack of vitamins to another but these are the ones I have been using.
G/L Joey

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I give my chickens a low dose of soluble vitamins in their water during the winter and spring. I think.... they do well on them. They are alert. I dont worry during the summer because they romp around eating bugs and such.

Mine get Rooster Booster Electrolytes & Probios every otherday on the off days they get Apple Cider Vinegar added to their water.

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