Vote Yes on Proposition 2

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That was another one....I had to quit posting on that one because it was getting harder to hold my tongue.
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It frustrates me when people get offended when their lies are exposed like irresponsible intimations are made like famers starving their animals, or "hormone laced eggs". It is very apparent that people have a lot to learn about modern livestock production.

it was getting a bit nasty ..i think thats why..this is a hot, touchy subject...and..i'm gonna behave myself..(for once..)
I think what cjeanean said was a great statement. Those who are veggies should not try to convice those who are not to go there way and vice versus.

The bill if passed would make it very hard for the working poor (paycheck to paycheck people) to afford meat, or other protien sources.

I do believe they should have more room, but the fines and sentences are not going to be worth the paper they are printed on, nor is there any money in the bill to pay for the inspectors to enforce the bill.

Let alone mention who many people will be out of work if the bill passes because they cant get loans right now to retrofit their bulidings.
i would really like to get more info on both sides. i believe that nobody wants to see animals mistreated, but we dont want unrealistic expectations either. i eat meat but i choose to do it in a more humane manner. For example, i like to recommend 4H or FFA raised beef or pork etc. The animals are walked and petted and pampered and fed the best food avalible until they are processed. they aren't factory farmed and "shot-up" or fed steroids etc. i think that if i eat meat and i love animals, i will eat in the most humane way i can. who knows, maybe the meat is healthier too!! i'm sure i have room for improvements in my diet too.
Good point on the loans. I don't believe we should get more restrictive on farming during these hard economic times.
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