Vulturine Guineas?


5 Years
May 4, 2014

Does anyone know much about them? They are super cool and nasty looking and I was thinking about how to obtain a flock or breeding pair.
I plan buying some after doing some additional research on breeding and housing requirements. We have a large barn for our guineas however, the Vulturine birds need heat in the winter and more space than the average guinea. The males can be aggressive and the female(s) will need extra room and grasses to get away and hide in. Also, I a checking on what it costs to import birds. These birds can not be inbred. They do not produce the large numbers of eggs that domestic variety does.. the Vulturine only produces about 10 eggs or so a year.
There are a few people here on BYC that have these things.
I have been told by many that they require a mild climate and
if one has a barn in the winter time, one MUST have heat to
sustain them.
They apparently are mean hearted and basically a nasty creature
to raise in a "rasp".
Yeah, I have heard they are meaner than the regular domesticated helmeted guinea. They do have those beautiful feathers and that proud evilish face. I hear they are really expensive. The cheapest way to obtain them would be to buy fertile hatching eggs.

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