Waiting for first egg!


In the Brooder
Sep 15, 2015
Patiently waiting for my first egg my barred rocks are 14 or 15 weeks old and my welsummers are 12 to 13 weeks old! We are patiently waiting for the first eggs!
That first egg can seem to take forever but it's so exciting when it comes! Don't forget to take a picture of it
I have 17 week old barred rocks and buff Orpingtons eagerly waiting for eggs too.

I have 3x 18 week (on Monday) hens (barred rock, buff orp, and EE) and 3x 21 week hens (light brahma, welsummer, and cuckoo marans). I am "patiently" awaiting my first egg...

Adw11 your birds look great!

Good luck to all of you waiting for your first egg!
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I have 2 blue laced red Wyandottes, 2 olive eggers, 1 blue copper maran & 1 crested cream legbar. All 22 weeks old, suddenly big red combs but no eggs yet. The hubby and I have a bet going on the date we get our first egg. Whoever is closest gets to eat it ;)
I have 2 blue laced red Wyandottes, 2 olive eggers, 1 blue copper maran & 1 crested cream legbar. All 22 weeks old, suddenly big red combs but no eggs yet. The hubby and I have a bet going on the date we get our first egg. Whoever is closest gets to eat it

Good prize for winning!
I have 8 I'm waiting on

16 weeks old

buff orpington (buttercup)
Rir (rosey)
Golden comet (cinnamon)
Barred rock (pansy)
2 EEs (rainbow and skittles)
CCL (duchess)

then I have a CCL/Swedish flower mix that is 19 weeks; She is sporting a huge red comb and wattles.

dying here checking the nest boxes every hour or so. Now they are just teasing me. Caught Buttercup sitting in the nest box tonight just before roosting time. everyone else was on the roost. UGH hurry up already!!!

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