Walk in the Wild~~Wolf RPG *NEEDS MEMBERS*

(which one's the omega. guys, i'm suggesting a vote. i vote we make a webpage or somewhere where we can put ALL our wolf profiles so we can avoid this confusion. I'll call it 'Walk In The Wild Wolf Profiles' and i'll make it a forum page. what does everyone say???)
(-_- dude a Member's page )
Amberlina walked through the woods quietly, her charms jingling, the only noise to be heard. Her pink, mane thing flowed behind. ( her tail)
Name: April
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Rank (wanted): anything but omega
Rank now:eek:mega
Family: none
Powers: only she knows
History: TBR
Personality: shy and submissive, thinks she deserves all the abuse she takes, and it's a lot. She isn't very trusting and she thinks everyone hates her

(This is April. She is an Omega. Is the lowest rank of any wolf pack. They are constantly being picked on, yet they are a very important part of a wolf pack. The omega relives tension within the pack, and is the last to eat. And sometimes, the omega gets picked on so much, they become lone wolves. They bear the brunt of the pack's frustration. They are not respected at all.)

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