Wallyworld Digital Thermometers/Hygrometers

I have found very similar differences in the various thermometer/hygrometers I have purchased, about 6 to date. I use the most accurate one as far as temperature goes and I compare to a mercury medical therometer. I do the test for humidity readings with the salt and make the necessary adjustments to maintain the appropriate level I have one that reads 68% in the test so I just run the incubator at 35-43%. I have found the Hovabator does fine with lower humidity for the first 18 days. I do not run it below 35 %. My TX-6 does well at around 45% humidity so I run it to where the hygrometer says 38-40%. It is a shame we can't get reliable instruments at a reasonable price but once you find out what works for your situation make good notes and stick to it. In my area there are substantial differences between winter and summer hatching and I have noted what works best at the different times of the year.
I used the thermometer that came with the LG bator, and the one that came with the auto turner...which are both the same. I put both of them in the bator and they seem to be very close, within 1/2 degree. I was planning on using the Springfield digital thermometer/hygrometer in addition to the others, but it never made it to my house.
Got lost in the mail or something....too late now, tomorrow is day 18.
I have 2 of the Springfield ones. One reads 2% below and one reads 4% below. I think the hygrometer on them is pretty consistent, but I don't trust the thermometer necessarily. I'm using the water wiggler and I was using my ridiculously expensive Williams Sonoma top-of-the-line-talks-to-you-and-all kitchen probe thermometer in that. However, after 4 weeks of being on, it flaked out on me. Hopefully it will still work on a steak
So, in that bator during turnings I am taking the water wiggler's temp w/ a child's digital rectal thermometer! Cheap and accurate.
In the other bator, I have the $14 Walmart red Acurite kitchen probe thermometer in a wiggler and after 3 weeks seems to be holding it's own. There's my $.02.
Well here's the results from this evening with the units still in the water jug. I'm beginning to lean towards the Accurite w/probe as it seems to be tracking closer to the darkroom thermometer. The Springfield seems to be consistently reading at least a 1/2 degree warmer than the Accurite w/probe. Isn't it supposed to be better to be a touch cool rather than hot???

I'll leave things in the water jug until tomorrow and see what readings I get then. Once I get an incubator set up I'll run some similar tests and use those tests along with these to finalize my pick. I'll also tinker with the thermometers that came with the hovabators (I should've done got them out!).

Here's the results from this evening with the units still in the water jug.

Darkroom Therm. 9:16pm, 66.5.0F
Accurite w/probe 9:16pm, 67.1F, 85% (using "outside probe")
Accurite no probe 9:16pm, 67F, 79%
Springfield Precise 9:16pm, 67.8F, 85%

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Thanks for posting this... I've been using the Springfield. I had good luck with it on my first hatch in a box with lamp, even though I had some high temps at times... guess it's good that the Springfield might actually show a bit warmer than it really is in that case! I did not have as good of luck when I used it in a real incubator trying to keep it closer to 99.9. Maybe that is why... maybe it was actually to low in the incubator when the Springfield read that. This time the Springfield reading is staying around 100.6-100.9 and the top of the egg reading from the LG turner thermometer is 102 (which was the suggested setting). So I'm hoping for better luck! I will look forward to seeing more of your test results!!
What temp are you using at the top of the eggs with you LG turner thermometer? I am using the 102 as suggested. I set the Springfield in the turner tray and it reads from 100.6-100.9 down there (while the other reads 102 up top).
Ten more hours of stabilization inside the water jug and below are the readings. Seems the Accurite with the probe is getting settled down rather nicely in regards to temperature...please note that this unit is using the probe for it's reading in this message. Hopefully tonight sometime I can insert the thermometers from the incubators (the incubators are still at the office) and see how they match up with what we've recorded so far. Then maybe I can set an incubator up some where to get a final test run.

Darkroom Therm. 6:50am, 66.5.0F
Accurite w/probe 6:50am, 66.6F, HI% (using "outside probe")
Accurite no probe 6:50am, 67F, 88%
Springfield Precise 6:50am, 67.3F, 92%


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I'm just been kind of taking it for granted, but I want to point out (and I've edited my previous reports to reflect this) that I have been using the "outdoor" probe/sensor on the Accurite that has the probe. In a hurry to get the testing going I really didn't tinker with that unit much and left the clock feature turned on. The clock readout can be switched over to show "indoor" temperature. I've already switched it, and future readings will include an "outdoor" and "indoor" reading from this unit. Hopefully it doesn't skew things too much.

Being as all of the units' cases and electronics have pretty much settled down to the ambient temperature inside of the water jug it shouldn't have taken long for the readout to be fairly stabilized itself. It has been probably ten minutes since the probed unit was switched to show both temperatures so I'm going to take another reading and compare that units external (outdoor) and internal (indoor) sensors.

Looks like a bit of difference between the indoor and outdoor readings. I'll check again tonight. One thing you might want to note is the drop in humidity levels after opening an fiddling with things inside the water jug...good example of why we need to be careful in opening our incubators up during incubation.

Darkroom Therm. 7:45am, 66.5F
Accurite w/probe 7:45am, 67.3F, 83% (OUTDOOR)
Accurite w/probe 7:45am, 68.0F, 83% (INDOOR)
Accurite no probe 7:45am, 67F, 78%
Springfield Precise 7:45am, 67.3F, 86%


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ok can i get details on using the wallyword wired thermometer the wired end were do i put it and checking to see if temp and humity is right
just bought it 10 minuted ago sitting on table with battery in temp inside71.2 reading is 70.9 out side humidity 45% what do i do with wired end ????and how do i make sure the readings are correct
Most of the digital Accurite thermometers/hygrometers with the probe
only read indoor humidity, not outdoor. Every one that I have seen
so far has been that way. The humidity is read in the case, not by
the probe.

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