Wallyworld Digital Thermometers/Hygrometers

Awesome! Thanks. I have a 1588 on the way and am trying to get all my ducks in a row. I'll look for that one.

Where is Crenshaw, AL? I'm originally from Birmingham, but went to school in Auburn and Tuscaloosa and then worked in Montgomery for a year. Great state!

Hope your mother is doing better!
Thanks for the well wishes for my mother. She's not doing well, please keep her in your prayers.

Hope the thermometer works out for you. Be sure and test it against a known standard....medical thermometer. Also calibrate the hygrometer to be sure you're in the ballpark with the humidity.

Take care,
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I did a little more tinkering with the GQF thermometers that came with the 1588 and 1602 incubators. Unfortunately I didn't mark which thermometer came with which incubator...oh well, I don't think it really matters. So far I'm not impressed with the thermometers.

Here is a shot of the two GQF thermometers side-by-side...check out the different sized scales on them, the scale on the right appears to be more compressed...

Here's a shot of one of them where I was marking the spirit level on the stem and noting the temperature reading of a digital medical thermometer. After marking the stem I slid it upward to the appropriate degree designation and glued the stem back down...

On this one I have moved the stem so that the spirit level agrees with the reading on the digital thermometer...

But, after "calibrating" these two thermometers, there is a discreptancy between them of around 3 degrees. I've gotta get to bed, but I'll compare these again in some warm 99F'ish water and see how they do. Interesting note is that the spirits in the one with the more compressed scale have moved further than the other one so maybe GQF tunes the scales to the stems???.....

I've decided that any of these units will work for the humidity levels...either increasing the readings by 5 or 8 percent should get me well in the ballpark. Thus I'll be stopping the humidity testing now. Next issue is the temperature factor. The outcome of the temperature testing will determine which unit I decide to use.

The temperature aspect is still bugging the stew out of me. I tend to make mountains out of molehills so why not this time, eh? I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel, but this is how I've got it figured out (for now

I can place a medical thermometer in a glass of water that is around 100F and measure it, but I can't stick one of these digital units in the water with it to compare.
Thus, it seems to me the only way to compare these digital thermometers with a submersed medical thermometer would be to have all of the thermometers in a controlled environment. That environment would need a temperature of around 100F, or more favorably...99.5F, and be able to maintain that temperature for an extended period of time so that the temperature for all units and water are stabilized.

Hmmm, now what kind of chamber could that be??? A flour sack wrapped tightly around everything and placed in the oven??? Nah. Could stick'em in Brother Smith's dead cow across the creek...looked like it was warming up nicely...nah, I got in trouble last time we played with explosives. Hmmm, now what could I use...???


Wow, I'll probably get a Nibble Peace Prize for figuring that out!
Ah well, hold the applause for now. Thank you.

Ok, well I had to go out of town today, but I dropped by the office for a few minutes and this big mysterious box with a Cutler Supply shipping tag on it was sitting there. Looks like I'll be tinkering here in a day or so...got a few irons to get out of the fire first, but when I get the incubator and thermometer testing underway I'll post back with my findings.

Who'd of thought...the INCUBATOR!!! Man, I'm ah regular genius!!! PURE N T GENIUS, I TELL YA!!!!


In case someone is curious about the last reading before I unzip the ziplock for the last time here's the latest data gathered this evening. It appears that things have stabilized in regards to the humidity readings while the temps just happen to be close to this mornings readings:
Accurite w/probe (on left side) 7:51pm, 70.5F, 67% (using "outside probe")
Accurite no probe (on upper right) 7:51pm, 70F, 70%
Springfield Precise (white case) 7:51pm, 70.9F, 70%

I do like the Accurite's (without the probe) humidity readout, and feel it was probably the closest to being right. If it only had better resolution for it's temperature readout (only shows 1/10ths of a degree).

Here's the latest shot of the units:
I know this is a very old thread, but I'm looking for a Springfield thermometer with a clip EXACTLY like the white one on the bottom right of this picture. Can't find it at my local Wal-Mart or Lowe's.

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