Wanna See a Partridge Cochin/Barred Rock Cross Chick?

Not a bad way for the old guy to go out.
Wow, this thread is from 2007! I still have the three look-alike daughters of that old rooster. I call them the Poufy-Head Sisters, Kate, Tux and Olivia. Wouldn't take $1000 for any one of them. They are over two years old now. Olivia raised chicks last year and was a spectacular broody.
LOL omg Cyn - you just answered a question I had in my head. Since Ione just hatched sizzles for me I was wondering what would happen when my PR or Delie (or Barred if that Barred you have is a cockeral) boys covered sizzle hens...

They're adorable... This is gonna be fun.

Glad someone dug up the thread.

I was wondering when you managed to slip in that combo into the bator without us knowing about it! Whenever I see their pics, it makes me wish I had a poofy-headed something-or-other. But not a purebreed--a nice mix that produces a poof, not a tophat!

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