Want ROOSTER Bloomington area, Indiana


11 Years
Apr 16, 2011
I would like a roo, standard size, breed not important...doesn't matter if he's nasty. Just want to try to hatch some eggs for the first time. Thanks!
Are you interested in a Welsummer? (At least then you can get some olive-eggers out of him if you have EE hens.) Ajax is 21 weeks old and has a good personality; he's been through "rooster obedience training" ala Rooster Red and he knows better than to mess with people (he's only bit me once, a few days ago, and he immediately regretted it). The problem is that I've just integrated my flocks and after "discussing" it with the hens I'm pretty sure that not a one of them likes him. He's the alpha, and a bit of a bully (however, he hasn't injured anyone besides my coop queen, and that was only a bloody comb, caused by her repeatedly picking fights with him). He is very good to his little hens and to his brother, Paris. But Paris, the beta, is a charmer and the hens, including the old ones, seem to have fallen in love with him instead of Ajax. I'm sure they would warm up to Ajax eventually, but in the meantime, my alpha hen hates me, and I have a pet hen with an extremely delicate personality. She's been spending her days hiding in a milk crate, terrified, even though he hasn't so much as pecked her yet. She's my baby and I want her to be happy (she snuggles with the beta roo at night and he clucks softly at her when she's scared.)

I think Ajax would be good with a new flock that didn't have such stubborn old hens that wanted to fight him all the time (they are 4.5 and just lost their 6.5 year old rooster protector). Plus my four pullets who aren't emotionally ready to be mated all the time.

Ajax has beautiful coloring, although it's not quite up to standard (he has a solid black chest) and I think his comb is too big. He has more of a tall, erect body shape than his brothers, who are shorter and fatter. His legs are completely clean (yellow) and his spurs are just starting to come in. His main flaw is that he has white earlobes, but I don't know if this means he's lacking the terracotta egg gene or not (you or me would have to ask the Welsummer thread about genetics). Also he has a nick in one of his wattles from fighting the alpha hen. Another note, normally you can sex Wellies by how defined their chipmunk stripes are, but as a baby he looked female, so you'd have to keep that in mind with any chicks he fathers. He has a very good crow, a bit higher pitched than my previous roo, but not shrill by any means, and he doesn't crow excessively--he's actually been crowing since he was four weeks old so he's had plenty of time to practice.

I'm in Southern Indiana (around Corydon), an hour and a half away from you, but I'm used to a long daily commute and would be happy to drive most of the way there to meet you, if it meant he had a good home, and wasn't eaten. Obviously in the future if he became a problem or a danger, I would expect you to eat him, but as he is now he definitely doesn't deserve it. He was raised as my lap rooster and was doing just fine until I moved him in with the old hens, and the thought of getting rid of him puts me in tears, but realistically, I know it's for the best and my poor little hen is begging me to do it.
Photos to tempt you... If they're too fuzzy from the resizing, I can e-mail you full-sized.

His back and shoulders are a nice dark red, his flank is orange, nice full green tail, matte black chest, green bar on his wings, and his neck feathers go from orange, to gold, back to orange again.

If you're worried about his age, he hit puberty two months ago or better, and has been successfully mating my old hens. He knows what he's doing.
I Have A Couple Of Black Jersey Giant Roosters That I Can Get Rid Of. Let Me Know If You Are Still Looking? I'm From Spencer Indiana. That's West Of Bloomington Next To Elletisville

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