Want to find out the breed of this rooster


In the Brooder
May 3, 2015
Cantonment Florida
Got this rooster free a couple of months back he looked kind of rough but I started feeding him MannaPro Gamebird/Showbird food with 24% protein. He now looks and acts much better just wanted to get an idea of what specific breed he is if possible to get him a hen. Thanks in advance!

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Ok thanks any suggestion as to what kind of hen I should get for him? He's a really pretty bird/alarm clock lol, just want to give him some company and definitely don't want to put him in with my flock of 9 Black Sex link. Just any type of game hen or is there a type he looks more like? Thanks for the reply's just trying to get as much info as possible!
I just started raising quail and bought me a few incubators so I'm going to get a black sex link rooster to put in with my layers and don't want to mix them. I would like to get a hen more like him in hopes of getting some good eggs to incubate from both sets since I will have an extra incubator just for chicken eggs. Just trying out a few new things and expanding my bird stock!
You can't make sexlinks by breeding sexlinks together. A black sexlink is a cross of usually Rhode Island Red rooster and Barred Rock hen. Your black sexlink hens are already mixes.
I just started raising quail and bought me a few incubators so I'm going to get a black sex link rooster to put in with my layers and don't want to mix them. I would like to get a hen more like him in hopes of getting some good eggs to incubate from both sets since I will have an extra incubator just for chicken eggs. Just trying out a few new things and expanding my bird stock!

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