Want to free range but am not aloud to have a rooster? Suggestions?


6 Years
May 5, 2013
I am getting 25 new chickens and moving my existing 4 over to my dads house to start a small local egg business. My dad however is not a fan of crowing and neither are my neighbors (who have had two roosters in the past), my question is, how can my flock have protection from hawks during the day without a rooster? Are there other types of fowl I should get along with my chickens or are there some other tricks?
I have several hawks in my area so what ive done to protect them is make a covered and enclosed run where they have plenty of room to scratch eat grass (I plant pasture) and be chickens. When I take them out of the run the hawks are right there ready to attack so in order to protect them they HAVE to stay in their run. if I Were to let them free range completely where I live they would all be gone in a matter of days! I have too many hawks. Weigh out your situation and if you have seen hawks they surely will get your birds if you don't offer some protection. You can make a big run with plenty of room and this way they are protected. I know how hawks are and trust me not much scares a hungry hawk away not even human presence. I'm telling the truth! I took one of my girls out to get some grass and thought because I was there the hawk wouldn't come, boy was I wrong! It swooped down behind me and luckily my husband was outside and able to yell look out and I scooped up my bird before it got her! Thank God but like I said not much scares a hungry hawk. Id seriously consider if you have hawks to make a safe covered run. If not the will get your birds and keep coming back! ! I really hope this helps. My area is full of hawks so I really had no choice but to protect my birds with a secure run. You might consider it depending on your area. Best wishes

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