wanted hatching eggs in MD


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
leap of faith farm
looking for a few hatching eggs banty's, easter eggs, malard duck, guinea's and peacocks. I only want a few of each . the kids and I are building the bator and hatcher this weekend ..

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Well, hi there !
There are a few of us in Maryland. I am in Upper Marlboro. What part are you in? Patty
I might be able to help you out. I live in the eastern panhandle of WV and have Silkie eggs and Dark Brahma Bantam eggs for sale.
Hey there! Yep, there are a few of us here in MD.
I'm in Southern MD. You can take a look at my web site for the birds/eggs I have. I have bantam Polish and I have Ameraucanas (they lay a blue-green egg). I could definitely do small quantities of those sometime next week, after I fulfill other obligations over the weekend. I also have large fowl Polish and Marans. If you're interested in picking up some eggs, PM or email me and let me know where you are located...we might be neighbors!
Might be an easy drive to pick up some eggs. If you're not close to me, maybe you are close to Patty--I'm sure you're close to one of us MD BYCers!!

What a cool project to do with the kids, building an incubator. I love it!
You might only want to hatch one species at a time, though. Ducks have a longer incubation period and different temp/humidity requirments than chickens, if I remember correctly (I've never done ducks, just chickens)?? Just a thought. And peafowl eggs might be hard to come by this time of year (and I think they have different incubation requirements than chickens, too). But maybe try contacting peachick here on the forum. She's in MD and has peafowl.
hi there I am in Mechanicsville.. on my way out to get things for bator project.. I am not sure of what kind of birds you all are talking about . I know for sure what I want but don't know alot of breeds.. here is what we have now
tc62, we ARE neighbors--I'm in Mechanicsville, too. Shoot me an email (link to the left under my avatar picture) if you want to come get some eggs or if you just want more info about what kind of chickens I have to see if I have anything you want. I also have descriptions of the breeds on my Web site (link on the left & in my signature, too), if that helps.

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