WANTED: Your chicken calls!!!

Thank you, Sunny_Side_Up!

Hmmm...so many great ideas.... I like "Here, chick, chick, chick!" (And your version, warmfuzzies
), but I wonder if our cats will come running when I call the chickens, or the chickens when I call the cats, since I call the barncats with "Heeeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty!"
Maybe "Dinner time girls!" would be more distinguishable.

Anyone else???

I have cats also and I found when I called "Here chicky, chicky, chicky" all that came were the cats and when I call "Here kitty, kitty, kitty" all that came were the cats
sooooo I started calling "Here birdie, birdie, birdie" and that along with shaking the peanut can of corn trained the chickens real well. So well in fact that now all I have to say is "Here birdie, birdie, bridie" or "Come on girls" and you should see the drumsticks start moving
When I clap my hands, or whistle mine come running. On occasions when I say "Treats" they come running but that doesn't always work (guess they have been burned a few times)
When I call them to come back to the pen, I use "chiiiiiick, chick, chick and shake the can of scratch. I use the same bucket when I bring treats from the house. When I step out the back door with the treat bucket they can be 25 yards away and they will meet me at the back gate before I get there. The back gate is about 20 feet from the back door. I swear they have a look-out posted and have some sort of mental telepathy.
When we want our Rooster Blue to bring the girls in from a day of free ranging, or,,,,,If I just wanna know where they're at,,I'll scream out in a very shrill, very loud "HEEEEYAAAAH CHICK CHICK CHICKIE" and they can be 100 yards off in the woods, and the next thing I see is "Blue" our Roo ( I call him porky) head down wings a flapping and headed to my voice with all his girls running behind! Really is quite a sight,,,,,,,,,,If I ever get good enough with our camcorder, I'll post it,,,,,maybe this summer. But oh yeah, they come a running!
I trained my wifes cats to come when I would whistle so when I got chicken I changed up my whistle to have a specific style for the chicks. Now it does not matter which whistle I use because both the cats and the chickens all come running!

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