WARNING! Do Not attempt this at home!


11 Years
May 17, 2008
Northeast Missouri
Hello Group,

The Story I am about to tell is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty (mainly me).
My name is David Underhill Miles (not real name). I have just completed my third attempt at hatching chicks. This try did not go well, smoothly or by the book. The results were surprising.

My goal this hatch was to incubate some eggs for my brother in law. I had no control on how the eggs were collected or saved.
When I received the eggs I decided to wash them. I knew there were differing opinions on the subject but I went ahead and washed them thoroughly in warm water (strike 1).

I placed them in the incubator (Brinsea Eco with turner) and did not pay strict attention to the humidity(strike 2). On day 18 I plugged in the candler and candled all 24 eggs and threw away 4 clears. 20 eggs looked well along.

The next day I walked by the bator and something did not seem right. The temp was down to 70F!!
Somebody had unplugged the bator! I immediately went into blame mode and tried to blame my wife (not a good idea), daughter and son. When I thought it through I realized that I had unplugged the bator when I was candling the eggs the night before. The bator was off for NINETEEN HOURS! (STRIKE 3!)

I was not a happy camper. My first thought was to get rid of the evidence and try and forget about it. But I decided to continue the hatch and try and salvage something. I did not go into lockdown (strike 4?) , but simply allowed the auto turn to continue. ! did not boost the humidity. On Monday (day 20) I had my first pip. By today (day 24) I had 16 birds in the brooder and one drying off in the bator.


I did end up boosting the humidity when I noticed 2 of the chicks drying too fast before getting out of the shell.

I didn't think this story would have a happy ending
.....but I will take it!


David Underhill Miles (D.U.M.)
I have totally ignored a hatch, never checked humidity or temperature and had about 80% hatch. Sometimes I think we that hatch fuss too much over them.
Chickens are amazing creatures. They are slow, stupid, and don't have teeth to bite you...and they are tasty and you can eat their future children.
And there are still zillions of them in the world. You'd think they would have gone extinct.
topeka, AKA Dave, that is a very appropriate verse in your sig line.

You give me hope that I just may be successful when I attempt incubation. Thank you.
you know, I just attempted a hatch and got less than 30% hatch rate, maybe next time I'll be D.U.M. and not worry about it and I might have a better hatch rate. it can only improve.

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