WARNING! Fake Ball lids being sold...

This is just a warning thread for any home canners out there. I can't find Ball canning lids anywhere(surprise surprise) so I ordered wide mouth ones on Amazon. Well, at least I thought I ordered authentic Ball lids. Turns out, they are fake! I'll post pictures but the boxes are bigger and clearly fake. They say regular mouth on the top and wide mouth on the front. And the lids don't say Ball anywhere on them! Anyone that cans knows that Ball always labels every lid they have. And these fake ones don't seal! I had to reseal my tomatoes with real Ball lids I borrowed from my mom. Moms to the rescue! Anyways, just be cautious of any sold on Amazon. I will be returning these fakes, should be getting my money back. Happy canning!
Thanks for sharing. I havent been able to find any new jars in my area lately. But will now be on the look out for fakes if I do come accross any!
My local Walmart is starting to get jars again so people are buying them just for the lids and then selling the jars, it’s sad. I ended up freezing a bunch of my tomatoes to save my lids because I have lots of duck and turkey to can come November. I’m hoping there are some more lids on the shelves by then but if not I guess I will make do. I’ve been canning for 8 year not including with my granny as a kid and so I have always made it a habit to buy one box of each size lids every time I go to the store even through the winter to stay stocked, that was a life saver this year!
My local Walmart is starting to get jars again so people are buying them just for the lids and then selling the jars, it’s sad. I ended up freezing a bunch of my tomatoes to save my lids because I have lots of duck and turkey to can come November. I’m hoping there are some more lids on the shelves by then but if not I guess I will make do. I’ve been canning for 8 year not including with my granny as a kid and so I have always made it a habit to buy one box of each size lids every time I go to the store even through the winter to stay stocked, that was a life saver this year!
I did the same thing! I’d see them someplace and pick up a box or two then last year I was swimming in lids and quit buying them. Fortunately my stash got me through this year!
This is just a warning thread for any home canners out there. I can't find Ball canning lids anywhere(surprise surprise) so I ordered wide mouth ones on Amazon. Well, at least I thought I ordered authentic Ball lids. Turns out, they are fake! I'll post pictures but the boxes are bigger and clearly fake. They say regular mouth on the top and wide mouth on the front. And the lids don't say Ball anywhere on them! Anyone that cans knows that Ball always labels every lid they have. And these fake ones don't seal! I had to reseal my tomatoes with real Ball lids I borrowed from my mom. Moms to the rescue! Anyways, just be cautious of any sold on Amazon. I will be returning these fakes, should be getting my money back. Happy canning!
Can you notify Amazon of that product so no one else runs into that problem. I'm guessing it's there marketplace.
It may not work for everyone; but throughout the past year, I found about 80 brand new canning lids at a local thrift store; sealed, in their original packaging. A lot of people downsized, families combined households or had parents move in with them in our area and estate sales/thrift stores are reaping the benefits of it.

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