**WARNING** Graphic KFC pics..........

A stong gust of wind and you would have proof Silkies can Fly, also if black chicken is really tasty, good photo shop picture.

Mark, no photoshop involved. She has been flying kites since last year. I've posted many pics on the old BYC from other festivals. She flys different kites depending on wind conditions. The one on the pic posted here is an eddy kite that I made that is about 10 inches tall. Very little pull & very stable in the air.

Here are a couple other pics from other events. You think they are photochopped as well??????????????????




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what kind of harness is she wearing??

Lacy_94.....She is wearing a feather tether made for parrots.

It goes over her head, and the sides go under her wings. The kite attaches with a clip to a D-ring on the back.


I have to admit those new ones look real! I really did think the first one was touched up, there is something unreal looking about the kite.

Here wishing you and your bird soft gentle winds.

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