Warning i got from a friend.......

I read an article a while back concerning salmonella outbreaks associated with chicks from 3 different hatcheries... and actually found the article again for your viewing pleasure! It's from the CDC.

We just use plain old soap and water, and my family does fine. I think folks exposed to germs more often (those of us with critters) have healthier immune systems than the folks with no critters and an absolutely germ free home.
equine chick I somewhat agree but there was a ban on selling the pet turtles from Lousiana for years because they carried it. They have just re-opened the turtle farms there...they now vaccinate the turtles so who knows but I always thought that it came from the eggs and/or meat not being processed properly.
I do the same thing, I have a bottle attached to the brooder box so when you close the door you see it. We use it and then still go and wash our hands.
I have three kids that touch snakes, turtles and chicks. Yes, i admiton occasions they have forgotten to wash their hands. And guess what? They are healthy. I have seen one case of salmonella in a child. This was my teach's son back in germany. He didnt get it from an animal, he got it from an undercooked sausage he ate at a county fair.
the problem with the kids nowadays is that we shelter them to much and they dont get dirty enough anymore. Mine play outside, get dirty and take a bath later. They barely ever get sick. My neighbors in Florida had a son that constantley got his hands washed with disinfectants, wasnt allowed to play in the dirt. Couldnt touch our animals. He got sick all the time. Kids need to be exposed to germs and dirt in order to build a healthy immune system
d.k :

*but, kids show always be trained how to handle a chicken (meaning esp. keeping them UPRIGHT)

Maybe a bit off topic, but what happens if you turn chicks upside-down?​
Jumping in here too, I'm an RN and handwashing is the best protection from infections. An infection simply means an overgrowth of a certain pathogen (germ). There is staph, salmonella and many other germs "everywhere", naturally....even on our own skin. Keeping yourself and your kiddies healthy, keeping open areas on the skin covered and clean with good handwashing techniques is the best defense. Any soap with warm water and washing for about 30 seconds will do, antibacterial soap is not neccessary as the mechanical motion of rubbing all surface areas of the skin is more important.
CNN Headline news reported this morning that some breakfast cereal (generic brand puffed rice) was being recalled due to Salmonella contamination.
It seems to me your better off exposing kids to animals at a young age to help them build immunities to germs and dander. If your not safe at the breakfast table, where are you safe?
I will say it again. You must use your brain, kids at a young age like 2 should be taught to wash their hands coming from the bathroom, playing outside and before and after handling animals even the family dog if need be. Some dogs though are cleaner than the kids. lol
I agree there are so many germs floating around that really is a lot scarier than samonella, such as mrsa(type of staph), ecoli. Salmonella can be deadly so if your kid is pre-k I would definitely supervise so they do wash their hands, handle the chicks correctly ect. I don't think chicks carry salmonella unless they came from a dirty hatchery with dirty hens, but since we can't be sure use caution. You have to let your kid grow up though, they have to be exposed to germs in low levels so their immune system can develop and protect them from really bad illnesses down the road.
I remember being told in lab safety class, that hot water, (not luke warm) with vigorous hand rubbing for 30 seconds will rid of 99% of bacteria... of course though, if soap is available, use it.

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