Warning...very graphic........................love and kindness LOL!!!

I am 55 years old...The one and ONLY dog that has EVER drawn blood on me is our Pom! He is a first class A-hole!!!
Hah!! It MIGHT be hilarious IF I was kidding! This dog has more attitude than any 10 teenagers going thru puberty!!!
Like I said...he's the only dog EVER to draw blood on me (except puppies with needle teeth that didn't know any better), If you tell this dog he is BAD...He will stand up on his two hind feet and prepare for battle! He acts like a mongoose! And...he honestly BELIEVES he is capable of taking ANYONE or ANYTHING in a fight! Psychotic I tell ya!
When I saw the dog standing with the chicks on top, I got concerned... chicks could die or sustain serious injury falling that far.

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