was gonna wait for paint


11 Years
Feb 24, 2008
Carrollton, GA
...but it could be awhile, so here's my coop.


All the open places have since been covered in hardware cloth. All the doors have barrel locks on them and I use split rings at night, to keep out any bogeymanimals. For all the roosting space in there, they prefer the rafters. I've also installed an exhaust fan and a light, since they're afraid of the dark.
There's also a rather involved series of steps going to the little door.

Congrats!!! Looks great! Where are the nesting boxes - I assume we just can't see in pic?

Out of curiosity, how many girls you going to have in there?

Glad you've got an exhaust fan. We've got the sun-tuf roof and our coop get h-o-t.


Awesome - I'm officially stealing that term.​
Love the coop. How cute. Your girls are soo lucky! I also think the real branch is great, nothing better than the real thing.
The nesting boxes have yet to be built. I'll probably finish those this weekend. The ladies are only 8 1/2 weeks old, so I'm not in a hurry. I have a grand total of 18 chickens. I have a mini-coop I'm almost done with, so if there appears to be a crowding issue, someone can go stay in the condo on the other side of the run. The split rings are the same thing as a keychain ring. You can pick them up 2/.97 at the Home Depot. There's a hole in the barrel lock that I slide them through every night. It prevents the bolt from sliding. I gave myself a pat on the back for that one.
I didn't want the expense and hassle of padlocks and nothing else would fit through the hole.

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