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Well, I sure haven't figured out, how to do the quote thing yet, in all the time it's been here, I tried it once and I got lost some where!! LOL!
and yes I went to my profile and made sure the thingy wasn't or was checked which ever it was, ( I read it many posts back when some one asked)

Anyway, I know I'm like almost three weeks late but, I finally got my garlic in the ground for the first time in my life! Now lets see if something grows! LOL!
also, and yes I need my head examined, some one posted what size eggs and how many a year that certain breeds lay?
was SLW on that list?? Are they a med or large brown egg layer?? I know what your all gonna say!!

I was doing a friend a favor, he had to sell his chickens and this gals were already laying so I said what the heck, they are in quarantine right now, they are very healthy the little red , ( supposed to be Bantam RIR hen) got picked on so her head is growing back feathers. they will go out with the other layers in another week.
I just got my garlic in today too. Also a first try for me. Your new hens are beautiful, I love the silver laced color.
It sounds like Justahannah has a working biological deep litter over a dirt floor system. It sounds like stirring the litter helps keep the amonia levels down, but, it is still not something I would try unless I could see it and learn by seeing, rather than learn by reading. If I were to run off and try this by just reading about it, I might make a critical error and accidentally injure my birds because my set-up may be extremely different than Justahannah's.
Let me be clear here, you can do any kind of coop you wish to, but I do not do a deep litter system for many reasons, most of which are:

It takes me 5 minutes to shovel out HALF a bale of poopy shavings and add new fresh.
10 minutes by the time fresh has been added.
This is LIGHTWEiGHT and something I can deal with.
In 1/2 an hour, I can GUT and fill with fresh shavings, about 4 of my coops.
IF I was doing the deep litter method, and adding & addng more and more shavings & straw, I would need a few Mexicans and a dump truck to clean my coops.

Pay attention here:
FYI: Better to do a little every other day, than a major muck out.............I am hurting enough.
I prefer the CLEAN 5 minute system...easy, lightweight, and I can easily handle it.
Last time I did the deep litter system, it took me & a few guys, and I am not sure how many wheel barrels of CA CA out...Juts like poop swept under the rug...sooner or later you will have to deal with it.
The question is:
Do ya wanna keep adding & adding & end up with 5 tons of CA CA.....I am happy (ick) just dealing with my 1 ton of caca.
So, I got home from the doc & have strict orders.....................ha ha ...........Me & T-Hi.....

None the less I am saying HI and may not be around much more here...

Anyways I mean for a while I will be gone.
I have the green algae. I have never seen black algae. I don't have a light on the tank, so algae typically doesn't grow. I read somewhere (don't know if this is true) that feeder goldfish really don't like light, which was fine with me. When our hood light rusted out, I switched the 10 gal. tank out to a glass lid and skipped the light. We recently upgraded to a tall 20 gallon, and I still don't have a top. Gotta get one soon. The glass top was more expensive than the tank. Bleh.

I suddenly got an algae burst when we hung the chick's heat lamp near it. Just about killed the feeder fish, too, because the tank heated up. They're OK now that I replaced the 250 w heat lamp with a 100 w heat lamp and lowered the lamp so it no longer shines on the fish tank.

I know my feeder fish are in the wrong size tank, so please, nobody judge me for having the wrong fish/tank ratio. I can't justify to DH to buy a larger set up. One is a comet about 5 inches long. The other is a common about 3 inches long. They were teeny, tiny little things when they were given to the kids 3 years ago. We lost one the 2nd day we had them - the common ate it's fins off. Sadly, it was the prettiest one. My oldest was devastated, so we had the big ole funeral thing. It was buried in an origami casket and we planted a magnolia tree over it. LOL. About the time the fish passed away, we had lost our dog, and my MIL, so losing that fish was just too much for the kids to take. We also put a little dinosaur ornament in the fish tank in memory of my oldest son's fish. After that, I became determined to keep the other two feeder fish alive no matter what it took. Oh goodness, what crazy things we do for our kids.

My BIL & SIL has a pond, and we're waiting for space to open up in their pond. After we do that, we'll let the kids pick new, smaller fish. When we go visit the kids won't know which fish is which. She just keeps goldfish in the pond because they have a heron problem and she restocks it each spring. Last spring I asked her if she had space, but she had just taken a bunch of goldfish from someone else, and the pond was packed full. I'm hoping she may be able to take them in the spring. But, we know if they go there, they really are going to become "feeder" fish to a heron.

Do the plants have to be planted in some sort of special dirt/sand? Right now, I just have fish tank rocks.

Not sure on the lighting thing, my gold fish seem just as active whether it's on or not. Both plants I mentioned require some lighting, but I have the fern one floating in my grow-out tank with no light no problem as long as there's some ambient lighting in the room most of the day (it's in a storage room, and I just leave a curtain open). Neither need anything special, I use sand because I like the way it looks but gravel's just as good and the ferny one actually does better with more circulation over its roots. I like low maintenance :).

Well, I sure haven't figured out, how to do the quote thing yet, in all the time it's been here, I tried it once and I got lost some where!! LOL!
and yes I went to my profile and made sure the thingy wasn't or was checked which ever it was, ( I read it many posts back when some one asked)

Anyway, I know I'm like almost three weeks late but, I finally got my garlic in the ground for the first time in my life! Now lets see if something grows! LOL!
also, and yes I need my head examined, some one posted what size eggs and how many a year that certain breeds lay?
was SLW on that list?? Are they a med or large brown egg layer?? I know what your all gonna say!!

I was doing a friend a favor, he had to sell his chickens and this gals were already laying so I said what the heck, they are in quarantine right now, they are very healthy the little red , ( supposed to be Bantam RIR hen) got picked on so her head is growing back feathers. they will go out with the other layers in another week.
Nice wyandottes! I have one that isn't laying yet, but she's the bossiest little butterball of a chicken I've had yet.
What are the names of some birds that have a really loud screech? I want to see if I can identify what a bird is by it's screech.

I was outside with my girls, suddenly it got really quiet. The black birds and stellar jays flew into the maple tree and didn't make a noise. There was a screech in one tree across the street, followed by another screech in another tree in the cul-de-sac.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to build some sort of really big chicken tractor so my girls can have lots of outdoor space in a protected area.

I have a northern flicker the comes around my house with a loud call. Totally harmless, but it still scares the chooks and made me wonder what I was hearing. http://www.seanet.com/~billr/birds/flickercam.html#AudioSection I hope yours is something non-predatory too!
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So, I got home from the doc & have strict orders.....................ha ha ...........Me & T-Hi.....

None the less I am saying HI and may not be around much more here...

Anyways I mean for a while I will be gone.

Okay, so what does that mean? And what does T-Hi have to do with it? Something going on with you that we should know about?
My annoying pen is almost done! Just need to put corner bracket on the inside of the door, put the last of the trim on, use concrete screws with washers to attach the hardware cloth under the floor to the concrete patio, and fill the floor with sand. I'm putting off the last paint until spring; it's just too cold and wet. Yeesh, what a total pain. But it should be as tight as Fort Knox:

Here is my helper this week:

My friend is still in the hospital after her motorcycle accident, although she might go home tomorrow. Three surgeries down, one more to go after the tissues heal enough to take the pins out and put in plates. Her dog was not happy being crated for most of the day while her roommate was staying with her in the hospital, so Aurora has been staying with us. Our 12 year old greyhound has put up with her pretty darn well, but I know Izzie will be happy to have a quiet household again. As quiet as it gets with a toddler. I'll miss her, but I won't miss having my elbows licked to get attention.

What are the names of some birds that have a really loud screech? I want to see if I can identify what a bird is by it's screech.

I was outside with my girls, suddenly it got really quiet. The black birds and stellar jays flew into the maple tree and didn't make a noise. There was a screech in one tree across the street, followed by another screech in another tree in the cul-de-sac.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to build some sort of really big chicken tractor so my girls can have lots of outdoor space in a protected area.
If you go to www.enature.com you can see pics and hear the sounds of different animals.
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