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ChickieLady. Mother Earth a few years back did an excellent article on seeds also. About how we are losing REAL plants.
They also pointed out the corporate structure of the seed companies.
It reminded me of all the so called TV manufactures.
They just stick another name on it acting like it's new when it's one of the main manufactures.
Ok if it is going to be gray and cloudy could it just rain, clean the air of pollen and move on!! This summer has totally sucked! I have sneezed 50 times already this morning! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

So, now that my whining is out of the way.........

Heading to the Enumclaw Horse Auction today with my girls! Wish we could buy but we just look.

Threw a 40th Bday party for my BFF yesterday! It was a hit! She was totally surprised and we ended up having about 45 people show up!! Made 36 deviled eggs and I so wished they could have been from my duck eggs! Everyone kept asking if they were!
My girlfriends are just as excited as I am to start getting eggs!

Hopefully soon!!!
Hi All, well I uploaded some pics but I don't know where they went
Anyway, I really need to find homes for my boys. I have 4 big Buff Cochins, a Partridge Cochin and I am not sure if I am going to keep my BLRW. I was told that they were BLW Splash so I am going to wait until they are more mature.
I wish I could figure out where my uploads went so you could see them.

Let me know if you might be interested in them.
I see no point in clouds that don't rain. I wish we would get some rain. My DH is complaining about how much watering I'm doing.
I live on the outskirts of Walla Walla, Washington on an acre. Loving having chickens and could spend hours being amused by their antics. They're 20 weeks old; 8 hens and one cool rooster.
OK guys, I have put away the incubator, and have the brooder all but put away except for babysitting Monicas and 4HPoultrymom's lav orp babies that will spend the night...and lo and BEHOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A woman contacted me with RIW's that are laying like crazy and she can send me eggs tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be murdered as soon as DH discovers !!!
Nice knowing you all !!!!!!!!!!!!! But these are rare birds...so I have to have them !!!!!!!!!!!!
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