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My wyandotte isn't bald on her belly

my little buckeye cockerel tried crowing for the first time today. talk about sick LOL. and he is a whimp !!! he is afraid of everything!
Bet ya she is, turn her over & look.
Do not worry, the wimp will fill out.
he is a heritage breed & they take a while longer to fill out.
Robin: DH wants to know how to tell the turkles apart? is there some way to tell hens from toms...even as young as they are? Oh, how old are they again...I could go look. you told me.

One of the older 2 (still a baby though) is really acting like a tom. It likes to "fluff up" and strut around and does the "tom impression" (hilarious to watch). But would a young bird do this? Could a hen do this or this definitely a tom? It looks exactly like the tom you sold Julie, only much tinier as it is still so young.

Is there anyother way to tell? Any hints?
THAT is the hint ! Only Toms strut & display but do not gobble & spit until they are mature.
It is funny to watch a little poult strut !
Hey, I was wondering if anyone near me (Kitsap County) had any BLRW or Black Copper Maran hens/pullets/chicks/eggs. I've always wanted BLRW hens, beautiful birds! And I'd love to add some chocolate eggs to our basket. Really prefer hens or pullets or sexed chicks since Bob and Snowman rule their harems quite well alone :)

PM me if you have or know someone who does have some around here. They seem to be exceedingly rare, especially the BLRWs.

Check with Totalcolour, she is on this thread quite often, she's in West Olympia. Not sure where you are exactly in Kitsap Co.
But IF done right any of our (yours, mine or others) can also be hard boiled and peeled easy. I have a neighbor who was adamant that it didn't work. Then I demonstrated IT IS SO EASY.
I have had no success HB my eggs unless I let them sit in the back of the fridge for 2 weeks or more.
What is your secrete ?????
There is a largish farm south of us, we do not go that way to town very often unless heading to Chehalis.
They have a horde of gold & silver seabrights all over their front lawn last week.
The week before, they had red stars all over their lawn.
Guess they let 1 coop out to free range daily.
The raise dairy cattle there as far as I can see......and now I wonder what other breeds of poultry they have !!
Continueing rat saga:
Rat appeared on web cam at dusk & went nuts trying to get out from under the now enclosed coop foundation.
Then he dug & dug & finally squeezed out the front where the wire was not buried due to Honeysuckle bush.
Then last night, the said rat went nuts trying to dig back in, but failed.
Tee hee.
We are now enclosing hardware clothe all around the barn !
But IF done right any of our (yours, mine or others) can also be hard boiled and peeled easy. I have a neighbor who was adamant that it didn't work. Then I demonstrated IT IS SO EASY.
Can you share the secret please? I was told by many that you cant hard boil fresh eggs without peeling over half the egg away. I love hard boiled eggs but have never tried with my own eggs and would love love love to try it...
Well, being a transplant, I'm not sure where Kitsap County is. But I do have a 3 Black Copper adolescents, 2 of which I think are girls, and I might part with one! Wish someone would give the roo a home, he's stunning, but we have nothing but mud in the winter. It would be a shame to put him in the pot.
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