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Hard - BAKED eggs!!


I tried this today and it works-with fresh eggs! After cooking, I immediately plunge them in ice water for 15 minutes. I cut the eggs in half before I peel them, and then scoop them out of the shell with a spoon. (an old trick my grandma taught me!). When cutting the eggs, don't try to slice it, just put pressure on the knife and it will cut right through. It's definitely different in texture, when you are used to rubbery after so many years! lol. they're good.
It just occured to me today after I added chlorinated water to my peachick's bowl. Isn't chlorine on the Periodic Table of Elements? (Yes - Cl). So, I would have to assume it is natural. No? Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Reposting for those that missed it.....

Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Project "Lemon" still not positive on male female but gets chased by the roosters and is very large. Not crowing yet.....

A mixed Bantam Rooster

Mixed Bantam pullet "Elvis" yes i think it is a girl and named her Elvis

Bantam Cochin/Orpington mix "Red" I think a pullet but my rooster chases Red so can anyone confirm male/female for me?


Easter Egger Rooster "Sleepy"

Bantam Ameraucana Rooster Black (I have a blue as well) Tails are a mess due to too many roosters....

Black/Lavender Split Orpington Rooster "Goliath" He can eat out of the top of a 5 gallon bucket with ease... he is HUGE!!!


Roosters are free to BYC peeps.... please reserve now if you want one. I need them gone and will start processing the crowing ones tomorrow....

the "extras" will be going to the stew pot tonight! so let me know if you want one now!
Ok here some more photos of the Bantam AM's
I have 2 clean faced girls and the rest are great breads and muffs.

Blue AM boys, the one on the right is the one I am keeping, the one on the left is up for grabs. or with a trio



Black and blue clean faced might develop breads/muff after molting but they are for sale


I know I can get at least 1 trio now... might be able to do a second trio with a bantam am roo, a bantam am pullet and a second bantam pullet that might be am or might be mix.... (still deciding on which girls to keep :rolleyes:
HI everyone!!!!

We are going to be processing the meat birds tomorrow. Fly Robin, and DH will be working with me to get as many of the 28 meaties done. Robin has 4 roos that we will be taking care of also.

If anyone needs some of their birds processed, you are more than welcome to join us tomorrow. We will be starting about 10 am. I am planning to make some lunch for who ever is hear tomorrow. I am so sorry that this is so last minute, but even if you don't have any birds that you want processed you are still welcome to join the day with us.

I will let you all know how it works out tomorrow.

love to all Christina
It just occured to me today after I added chlorinated water to my peachick's bowl. Isn't chlorine on the Periodic Table of Elements? (Yes - Cl). So, I would have to assume it is natural. No? Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Chlorine, in it's natural state is a gas, that is why it evaporates so quickly from water set out for birds.
Since the water is so close to the dirt, poop and contaminants can easily be kicked in, and because one sick bird can drink from the font and birds naturally blow their nostrils out (Ameraucanas are the worst, they will practically BATHE in the font and clean their beards) so the next chook to come along gets whatever disease the first one snorted out.

We have finished constructing our well...producing fantastic.................BUTTT................since we just constructed it, it tested positive for E. Coli & a few other Coliform bacterias.................all seriouse health issues, which attack the liver & kidneys of all MAMMALS including livestock.

So we SHOCKED the spring with Chlorine......and re-tested it as no more E.Coli, but still has other coli-form bacterias to deal with......this pristine mountain spring.

We re-shocked......as alot of the contaminants in your water can be from the tank, the pipes, the faucets, the pumps, etc......and I ordered a 100 kit for testing.

Anyone that thinks Chlorine is a nasty horrible cancer-causing chemical...needs to spend some time looking at the nasty worms, diseases and bacteria the Africa Nations deal with !
Thankfully we have
Chlorine ! And I am sure our spring will be health IN ALL THE PIPES & STuff
HI everyone!!!!

We are going to be processing the meat birds tomorrow. Fly Robin, and DH will be working with me to get as many of the 28 meaties done. Robin has 4 roos that we will be taking care of also.

If anyone needs some of their birds processed, you are more than welcome to join us tomorrow. We will be starting about 10 am. I am planning to make some lunch for who ever is hear tomorrow. I am so sorry that this is so last minute, but even if you don't have any birds that you want processed you are still welcome to join the day with us.

I will let you all know how it works out tomorrow.

love to all Christina
Does anybody have an idea why my girls only use ONE nest to lay in, when I have three available? I found TWO mommas in the same nest yesterday.....pretty humorous!

Looks like my LH pullet may be laying soon! Last night she was waddling and trying to head into my compost pile while I was trying to herd her to the pen/coop. She was the only one left outside, which struck me as odd when I checked on them, usually they all head into the coop at the same time with out any stragglers.
Quite often and especially at this time of year, a broody hen will occupy a nest box, and every other hen will come in and lay their egg with her....................it is a Village thing~~~~~~~~~~~
A Broody hen will lay no eggs but still amazingly end up with SO MANY under her !!!
From what I have read you need a four stage reverse osmosis system to get rid of most of the fluoride. I have also read the colloidal silver will keep the nasties from growing.
We are looking into a UV system for the water from our spring.but until then we have to use Chlorine or get nasty kidney & liver infections I choose not to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The house has to be built, and our water will be chlorinated, as it has been for 57 years !!!

In San Francisco, In San Jose, In Sandpoint Idaho, In Seattle, everywhere every municiple system uses Chlorine~~~~~~~~~~~~~get over it !!!

Every Municiple water system in the United States uses Chlorine or Chloramine in the water, period.
Those of us on well and spring systems need to do the same, or suffer the nasty effects of e. Coli infection.
I would not have that one ME nor my children.......................EVER.

We used to run with scissors too !
Hard - BAKED eggs!!


I tried this today and it works-with fresh eggs! After cooking, I immediately plunge them in ice water for 15 minutes. I cut the eggs in half before I peel them, and then scoop them out of the shell with a spoon. (an old trick my grandma taught me!). When cutting the eggs, don't try to slice it, just put pressure on the knife and it will cut right through. It's definitely different in texture, when you are used to rubbery after so many years! lol. they're good.
Thanks so much for this post I am gonna try this tonight... I have tons of eggs to use up and my kids want egg salad... This sounds so much easier then boiling them.
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