Water Bottles


8 Years
Aug 6, 2011
New Mexico
Just wondering - Do any of you use water bottles? I use a good ol' rabbit bottle and it works out really well. I ask only because I haven't heard mention of others doing it and I worry ( too much, I know) that there's a reason not to that I'm just not aware of........? Thanks!
There are members here using them. They must have snuck the posts past you.

I've never used them, but plan to try them after things quiet down from the holiday.
At least for the older birds.
The rabbit water bottles work perfectly for most quail. I have over 40 water points, so they are way to costly for me to deploy here. I use the pop bottle caps, but will soon be putting together an auto water system similar to what Mibotsu uses. The rabbit bottles are great if you only need a few. I recommend them
I know this is an older thread, but I didn't want to start a new one just for a video. Which is what I have now.
And I just now noticed this is in the quail section! But it's still cute.

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