Water Obsession?

I hope not, or I'll have a whole flock of species confused chickens. LOL. I can just see myself introducing my flock at the next gathering "And this is my flock of chickens who think they are ducks. Yes, that is why they are all standing inside their pool."

He is the only one doing it so far. He is so funny. He gets soo excited when I walk into the coop with the water hose. I can see him run to the door of the run when I turn the hose on.

That really is very funny... he sounds like a joy to have around and a true keeper. Enjoy him. He sounds real special.
I would love to see pictures of him!!!
I'll have to find and charge my camera. Then tomorrow, I'll clean and refill all the water buckets. I'll try to get pictures or maybe even a video of him doing his "thing" with the water.

Oh, I forgot to mention that part?

That's what the "breeding projects" are. I'm trying to create an amphibious chicken, one that will be able to forage for feed both on land and water. He is a good start to my breeding program, I am very proud of him.

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Pictures will have to come tomorrow, Beanbag. Sorry, I don't have my camera or truck today.. I will get them though!


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