Water Weasel?


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
Hey Everyone!

I just heard about this thing called a water weasel. So, I looked it up and it seems really cool! haha... I was just wondering if anyone else uses this method and what your thoughts/experiences are with it.

Mine was called a "Water Weiner" and I bought it for $2 at a discount store, but WalMart sometimes sells them for less than $1. It works well to simulate the temps in an egg, which change less rapidly than bator air temps. Here is my orange one in action:
I paid .88 cents at walmart for mine in the toy section mine was call a water wiggler. I also bought the humidity & temp. for reptiles from petsmart as a back up. The humidity readings are the same as using the water wiggler & the probe as it is with the reptile one. I like using both.
I 2 would like to know. I know the ones the kids have had are fun to play with. But never thought of actually having a use like this. Soo would some body please tell Chelly and I what it is that it does.
Ok I looked around the forum and finally figured it out. And of course the post by speckledhen makes perfect sense now. She gave a very short answer to how it is used. So the answer was right in front of my face, Duh!!

Anyway here is a longer version for people like myself. And if I screw it up let me know. A water weasel is place in the incubator and warms to about the same temp inside as the inside of the eggs.(simulate the inside of eggs) YOu can stick a thermometer inside of it and have a fairly accurate geuss as to what the temp is inside of the eggs and then adjust the temp. according to the reading of the thermometer. So am I right or am I still lost?

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