Waterer Preference


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
My chickens have a bucket with watering cups. They have to press the silver release button to get the water. This is the best method I’ve found for keeping their water clean. However, whenever I let them out of the run, they will inevitably go to the bird bath in my yard and start drinking water which tells me they do not like drinking out of these cups. Also if I stand at the bucket and hold the button down, they will run over and drink from the full cups. I’m worried they could become dehydrated if they don’t like drinking out of it. Does it sound like they just don’t like it? If so, what would you recommend as the best method that will keep the water clean. I have sand in the run and there are trees hanging over their run (it has a roof but on windy days, leaves still manage to come in)

If they are thirsty, they will drink any available water. Including water out of your system. I don't think they don't like your system, as much that they know they can get water in the bird bath, and it is probably more flavorful, you know, it has sat in the sun, other birds have bathed and pooped in it, might have some algae - you know anything but clean!

I have hauled fresh water down to my chickens, rinsed out the bowl, added the fresh water to the nice bowl, to have them drink, in the slushy muddy indent that I just added the old dirty water too....

I would keep doing what you are doing, and not worry about it. No animal is going to become dehydrated with a bucket of water sitting there. If you have ever seen them drink out of the cups, and all of mine have learned how to do it, they are safe.

Mrs K

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