Watery liquid/discharge from hen


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Okay, I have spent hours scouring BYC and haven't come up with anything that fits our situation and I am not sure where to post this.

Yesterday, one of my BA hens seemed a slight bit lethargic and kept closing one eye. She kept the other eye open and the seeming lethargy could have been because she was enjoying the sunshine that afternoon. (We haven't had much sunshine lately and we were all enjoying it in the backyard.) Well, I went to check her out and make sure her eye was okay. When I picked her up, she started to flap and fight me a bit so I got her two feet together and put her head down so she would settle down and I could check her over. When I was done, I brought her up right and as I did this a watery white opaque-ish liquid splattered on my arms, on the hens tail feathers and downy bottom and on the ground (and unfortunately on my daughter too. Eww.). All of my hens are getting close to point of lay. This hen (Velvet) is also the only hen who does the squaking thing that sounds just like the videos of the 'egg song'. Is it possible that she discharged albumin? Is that something that a hen can do if she is close to laying?

There was no foul smell or symptome of vent gleet. The discharge was fairly clear and watery. She has no mites, lice, or any other signs of illness except that she kept shutting the one eye. She is eating, scratching, and drinking normally. There is no discharge from her beak. She is not coughing, wheezing or sneezing. Today when I checked on her, she seemed perfectly fine and there is no sign of the watery discharge anywhere on her and her eye was fine. I checked her abdomen and didn't feel anything hard or unusual.

Has anyone seen this happen to one of their girls? Thanks for your help!
Hi MCC. The closed eye happens to me often ,when, I have another chicken picking on another. Sometimes, they run out of water and peck what looks to be water( another chickens eye) And, sometimes they do it to bully. As ,for the watery discharge if your sure they aren't wormy, you are probably right about getting ready to lay. I hope Velvet gets better. Great name.
Their poop can be pretty liquidy sometimes too. I wouldn't worry about that part. And i would just keep an eye on the eye, and if it doesn't improve give it a closer looking over to see if you need to get some ointment for it - or a clean out.
Hmmm...I have a POL pullet who has a similar issue (watery discharge), and I too couldn't find any info. through a search. Like yours, her behavior seems normal. Now, in my case, I know for certain that an initial discharge was egg white (nothing else), and then the next evening she "layed" two solidified egg yolks (nothing else). I was half expecting an empty egg shell the next evening to complete the package...lol. So maybe that's what your girl did..the egg white. I don't think that's what's going on with my girl though...
as it's been going on for a week now...
UPDATE-Well, I checked Velvet over again today and she looks perfectly fine. Her eye is fine (clear and bright) and there is no sign of any more liquidy discharge. Her vent looks perfect. One of my other hens (Bumble Bee) layed her first egg today, so the girls are all obviously getting close to laying. Velvet has been getting a little honery with the other subordinate hens (maybe she has PMS?!) as she is getting close to laying her first egg.

Thanks to those who answered my post! I appreciate the support.

teach1rusl: I hope your hen is okay and that everything rights itself. :)
I had one of my reds did that one night right at bedtime. As I was putting them up I noticed she was not moving very fast like she usually does so I went to pick her up she got mad jumped out of my arms and ran to the coop. Right at the door she stopped again and just stood there while everyone else went around her. I picked her up again to take her in the garage so I could see what was going on when all at once it was like a pregnant womans water breaking all down the side of my leg. I screamed for my hubby and ran into the garage with her. Put her in the hospital cage when she squatted and laid a soft shelled egg. After that she was ok and ready to go home to bed. Never had any problems after that
I had one of my reds did that one night right at bedtime. As I was putting them up I noticed she was not moving very fast like she usually does so I went to pick her up she got mad jumped out of my arms and ran to the coop. Right at the door she stopped again and just stood there while everyone else went around her. I picked her up again to take her in the garage so I could see what was going on when all at once it was like a pregnant womans water breaking all down the side of my leg. I screamed for my hubby and ran into the garage with her. Put her in the hospital cage when she squatted and laid a soft shelled egg. After that she was ok and ready to go home to bed. Never had any problems after that

My Red Star doing exactly that. Watery discharge and exceptionally sloth movement. I was thinking a softshell egg may have broken inside her :(

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