We’ve got a lot of these in our garden

I'd keep my kids and chickens far away from them. A Water Monitor will take chickens as they are carnivores. Their bite is nasty and painful and easily infected. A 5 to 7 foot lizard can hurt you.
Far away from them? Not like they seek out humans to attack them. Grab a hold of one and it will defend itself. Leave it be and it will gladly move away from you.

Keep the chickens in a secure run though. They will gladly scarf down the littles.

Love monitors. Beautiful!
Who released the monitor in the first place.
Where are you on this globe?
Having 5 and 7 foot Monitors in your garage is not a good thing.
Obviously, they are breeding and multiplying and need to be caught and relocated.
Call you local animal control and ask for guidance to have them removed and relocated.
When the current meat supply ends, they will be looking for more and you have Chickens and children.
Good Luck!

I live in a swamp next to the jungle in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This is their natural habitat. It’s also the natural habitat for wild junglefowl from which all chickens are descended, so chickens and monitors are used to coexisting.
Another reptile in our garden!


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