We are the champions!!!!!! SAD UPDATE POST 27

Wow! Way cool Maxx!!!!!!!!!
Well we won again tonight!!!
We won against the Dade City Reds 21-2. I went 0-1 with a walk, SB, and a run. There were two bad calls on my strikeout. You could ask anyone on our team lol. We actually only played 2 innings then it started to pour with rain for about a hour. We had to wait about another hour before we could finally take the field again. We play tomorrow night for the district championship.
When I posted I just got out of the shower. Our game ended last night a 11 and it takes a hour to get home from Dade City. We have off because of a teacher planning day or something like that.
Well we played for the district championship last night and we lost 9-6. The Land O Lakes Reds scored 7 runs in the last inning. Everyone on the team either was crying or really ticked about the game. We still came in 2nd out of like 30 teams. But to us that is not good enough. We had a lot of bad calls on our side fielding and hitting. Just thought I should update. Have a good rest of the day. Btw here are pics of our team when we won the Lutz Little League Championship. www.lutzbaseball.com
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Don't take this wrong, I am origionally from Land O' Lakes so I think it is cool that they won. But Hey to be in the Top 2 out of 30 Teams is AWESOME! There is always next season!
No Sir, M to the Maxx, no blaming bad calls! You're gonna find those around every corner in life. Just stay true to your goals and you WILL EXCEL! ( bad calling, but ignore it)

Sorry about the District loss, but you all did great and I'm still proud of ya! You yourself are living proof that determination and hard work are what makes a difference.

Still a top notcher in my book!
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You know, when you get to PLAY and have FUN, and get SO FAR...it is still absolutely fantastic and you should be proud of yourselves. Life is one big bag of experiences and you are filling it up with pretty good experiences. 9-6 sounds like a good game. I bet it was a nail biter... and the crowds were at the edge of their seats... whoo-hoo!

...and now back to chickens... oh wait exams, then chickens. baseball, school, chickens-priorities are all in line.

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